
在模态窗口中,如有提交按钮,点击后会弹出新的页面。解决此问题有两种方法: 1、在head中,添加注意:不要在form中再添加target="_self" 否则失效 2、把弹出的窗口页面做成框架网页,去加载要展示的网 如果你的浏览器是IE5.5+,可以在对话框中使用带name属性的iframe,提交时可以制定target为该iframe的name。对于IE4+,你可以用高度为0的frame来作:例子, test6.htm =================== test7.htm =================== if(window.location.search) alert(window.location.search) test8.htm =================== 3、另外一种解决方法 First and foremost, add the HTML tag () to the head sectionof your HTML document. Depending on your method of refreshing the form, adding this tag may be sufficient. Next check to see if your modal dialog now correctly refreshes itself.In some cases the modal dialog will still open a new window. For instance if you were using a JavaScript self.location.href= command then you will need to replace this with a simulated hyperlink click event. To do so, add a hyperlink to your page that is styled to be invisible (ie: ). Then replace your JavaScript self.document.location.href = ‘test.html’; with a click command to your hidden hyperlink as follows: document.getElementById('goLocation').href = 'test.html'; document.getElementById('goLocation').click();参考 :http://jwcooney.com/2011/12/22/showmodaldialog-opens-a-new-window-on-submit-or-location-href/ 参考 :http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4c6e822d0100r6jr.html