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var count = [];
url: 'https://api.inews.qq.com/newsqa/v1/automation/modules/list?modules=FAutoGlobalStatis,FAutoContinentStatis,FAutoGlobalDailyList,FAutoCountryConfirmAdd',
type: 'get',
// data: {},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var a = data.data.FAutoContinentStatis.length - 1
var contines = data.data.FAutoContinentStatis[a].statis
var con = Object.keys(contines)
var sum = Object.values(contines)
for (var i = 0; i < con.length; i++) {
count.push({ value: sum[i], name: con[i] })
series: [{
data: count

window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
// 全球疫情确诊图模块
$(function() {
// 基于准备好的dom,初始化echarts实例
var myChart = echarts.init(document.querySelector(".bar1 .chart"));
option = {
title: {

subtext: '前15个国家',
left: 'center'
dataset: {
source: [
['Country', 'Confirmed']
tooltip: {
trigger: 'item',
formatter: '{a} <br/>{c} ({d}%)'

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name: '确诊人数',
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var virus = [
['Country', 'Confirmed']
url: 'https://api.inews.qq.com/newsqa/v1/automation/foreign/country/ranklist',
type: 'get',

dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var num = data.data
for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
virus.push([num[i].name, num[i].confirm])
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source: virus
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name: '累计确诊',
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// 把配置和数据给实例对象
var count = []
var count1 = []
var date = []
url: 'https://api.inews.qq.com/newsqa/v1/automation/modules/list?modules=FAutoGlobalStatis,FAutoContinentStatis,FAutoGlobalDailyList,FAutoCountryConfirmAdd',
type: 'get',

dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var qushi = data.data.FAutoGlobalDailyList
for (var i = 0; i < qushi.length; i++) {
series: [{
data: count
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data: count1
xAxis: [{
data: date
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var nameMap = {
"Canada": "加拿大",
"Turkmenistan": "土库曼斯坦",
"Saint Helena": "圣赫勒拿",
"Lao PDR": "老挝",
"Lithuania": "立陶宛",
"Cambodia": "柬埔寨",
"Ethiopia": "埃塞俄比亚",
"Faeroe Is.": "法罗群岛",
"Swaziland": "斯威士兰",
"Palestine": "巴勒斯坦",
"Belize": "伯利兹",
"Argentina": "阿根廷",
"Bolivia": "玻利维亚",
"Cameroon": "喀麦隆",
"Burkina Faso": "布基纳法索",
"Aland": "奥兰群岛",
"Bahrain": "巴林",
"Saudi Arabia": "沙特阿拉伯",
"Fr. Polynesia": "法属波利尼西亚",
"Cape Verde": "佛得角",
"W. Sahara": "西撒哈拉",
"Slovenia": "斯洛文尼亚",
"Guatemala": "危地马拉",
"Guinea": "几内亚",
"Dem. Rep. Congo": "刚果(金)",
"Germany": "德国",
"Spain": "西班牙",
"Liberia": "利比里亚",
"Netherlands": "荷兰",
"Jamaica": "牙买加",
"Solomon Is.": "所罗门群岛",
"Oman": "阿曼",
"Tanzania": "坦桑尼亚",
"Costa Rica": "哥斯达黎加",
"Isle of Man": "曼岛",
"Gabon": "加蓬",
"Niue": "纽埃",
"Bahamas": "巴哈马",
"New Zealand": "新西兰",
"Yemen": "也门",
"Jersey": "泽西岛",
"Pakistan": "巴基斯坦",
"Albania": "阿尔巴尼亚",
"Samoa": "萨摩亚",
"Czech Rep.": "捷克",
"United Arab Emirates": "阿拉伯联合酋长国",
"Guam": "关岛",
"India": "印度",
"Azerbaijan": "阿塞拜疆",
"N. Mariana Is.": "北马里亚纳群岛",
"Lesotho": "莱索托",
"Kenya": "肯尼亚",
"Belarus": "白俄罗斯",
"Tajikistan": "塔吉克斯坦",
"Turkey": "土耳其",
"Afghanistan": "阿富汗",
"Bangladesh": "孟加拉国",
"Mauritania": "毛里塔尼亚",
"Dem. Rep. Korea": "朝鲜",
"Saint Lucia": "圣卢西亚",
"Br. Indian Ocean Ter.": "英属印度洋领地",
"Mongolia": "蒙古",
"France": "法国",
"Cura?ao": "库拉索岛",
"S. Sudan": "南苏丹",
"Rwanda": "卢旺达",
"Slovakia": "斯洛伐克",
"Somalia": "索马里",
"Peru": "秘鲁",
"Vanuatu": "瓦努阿图",
"Norway": "挪威",
"Malawi": "马拉维",
"Benin": "贝宁",
"St. Vin. and Gren.": "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯",
"Korea": "韩国",
"Singapore": "新加坡",
"Montenegro": "黑山共和国",
"Cayman Is.": "开曼群岛",
"Togo": "多哥",
"China": "中国",
"Heard I. and McDonald Is.": "赫德岛和麦克唐纳群岛",
"Armenia": "亚美尼亚",
"Falkland Is.": "马尔维纳斯群岛(福克兰)",
"Ukraine": "乌克兰",
"Ghana": "加纳",
"Tonga": "汤加",
"Finland": "芬兰",
"Libya": "利比亚",
"Dominican Rep.": "多米尼加",
"Indonesia": "印度尼西亚",
"Mauritius": "毛里求斯",
"Eq. Guinea": "赤道几内亚",
"Sweden": "瑞典",
"Vietnam": "越南",
"Mali": "马里",
"Russia": "俄罗斯",
"Bulgaria": "保加利亚",
"United States": "美国",
"Romania": "罗马尼亚",
"Angola": "安哥拉",
"Chad": "乍得",
"South Africa": "南非",
"Fiji": "斐济",
"Liechtenstein": "列支敦士登",
"Malaysia": "马来西亚",
"Austria": "奥地利",
"Mozambique": "莫桑比克",
"Uganda": "乌干达",
"Japan": "日本本土",
"Niger": "尼日尔",
"Brazil": "巴西",
"Kuwait": "科威特",
"Panama": "巴拿马",
"Guyana": "圭亚那",
"Madagascar": "马达加斯加",
"Luxembourg": "卢森堡",
"American Samoa": "美属萨摩亚",
"Andorra": "安道尔",
"Ireland": "爱尔兰",
"Italy": "意大利",
"Nigeria": "尼日利亚",
"Turks and Caicos Is.": "特克斯和凯科斯群岛",
"Ecuador": "厄瓜多尔",
"U.S. Virgin Is.": "美属维尔京群岛",
"Brunei": "文莱",
"Australia": "澳大利亚",
"Iran": "伊朗",
"Algeria": "阿尔及利亚",
"El Salvador": "萨尔瓦多",
"C?te d'Ivoire": "科特迪瓦",
"Chile": "智利",
"Puerto Rico": "波多黎各",
"Belgium": "比利时",
"Thailand": "泰国",
"Haiti": "海地",
"Iraq": "伊拉克",
"S?o Tomé and Principe": "圣多美和普林西比",
"Sierra Leone": "塞拉利昂",
"Georgia": "格鲁吉亚",
"Denmark": "丹麦",
"Philippines": "菲律宾",
"S. Geo. and S. Sandw. Is.": "南乔治亚岛和南桑威奇群岛",
"Moldova": "摩尔多瓦",
"Morocco": "摩洛哥",
"Namibia": "纳米比亚",
"Malta": "马耳他",
"Guinea-Bissau": "几内亚比绍",
"Kiribati": "基里巴斯",
"Switzerland": "瑞士",
"Grenada": "格林纳达",
"Seychelles": "塞舌尔",
"Portugal": "葡萄牙",
"Estonia": "爱沙尼亚",
"Uruguay": "乌拉圭",
"Antigua and Barb.": "安提瓜和巴布达",
"Lebanon": "黎巴嫩",
"Uzbekistan": "乌兹别克斯坦",
"Tunisia": "突尼斯",
"Djibouti": "吉布提",
"Greenland": "丹麦",
"Timor-Leste": "东帝汶",
"Dominica": "多米尼克",
"Colombia": "哥伦比亚",
"Burundi": "布隆迪",
"Bosnia and Herz.": "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那",
"Cyprus": "塞浦路斯",
"Barbados": "巴巴多斯",
"Qatar": "卡塔尔",
"Palau": "帕劳",
"Bhutan": "不丹",
"Sudan": "苏丹",
"Nepal": "尼泊尔",
"Micronesia": "密克罗尼西亚",
"Bermuda": "百慕大",
"Suriname": "苏里南",
"Venezuela": "委内瑞拉",
"Israel": "以色列",
"St. Pierre and Miquelon": "圣皮埃尔和密克隆群岛",
"Central African Rep.": "中非",
"Iceland": "冰岛",
"Zambia": "赞比亚",
"Senegal": "塞内加尔",
"Papua New Guinea": "巴布亚新几内亚",
"Trinidad and Tobago": "特立尼达和多巴哥",
"Zimbabwe": "津巴布韦",
"Jordan": "约旦",
"Gambia": "冈比亚",
"Kazakhstan": "哈萨克斯坦",
"Poland": "波兰",
"Eritrea": "厄立特里亚",
"Kyrgyzstan": "吉尔吉斯斯坦",
"Montserrat": "蒙特塞拉特",
"New Caledonia": "新喀里多尼亚",
"Macedonia": "马其顿",
"Paraguay": "巴拉圭",
"Latvia": "拉脱维亚",
"Hungary": "匈牙利",
"Syria": "叙利亚",
"Honduras": "洪都拉斯",
"Myanmar": "缅甸",
"Mexico": "墨西哥",
"Egypt": "埃及",
"Nicaragua": "尼加拉瓜",
"Cuba": "古巴",
"Serbia": "塞尔维亚",
"Comoros": "科摩罗",
"United Kingdom": "英国",
"Fr. S. Antarctic Lands": "南极洲",
"Congo": "刚果(布)",
"Greece": "希腊",
"Sri Lanka": "斯里兰卡",
"Croatia": "克罗地亚",
"Botswana": "博茨瓦纳",
"Siachen Glacier": "锡亚琴冰川地区"
var option = {
title: {
text: '全球各国确诊情况',
subtext: '世界地图',
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top: 'top'
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trigger: 'item',
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var value = params.value + '';
return params.seriesName + '<br/>' + params.name + ' : ' + value + '人';
visualMap: {
dimension: 0,
pieces: [
{ gt: 1000000,label: '>1000000', color: '#4D0000'},
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{ gt: 9999, lte: 500000,label: '10000-500000', color: 'purple' },
{ gte: 1000, lte: 9999, label: '1000-9999', color: 'red' },
{ gt: 99, lte: 999, label: '100-999', color: 'yellow' },
{ gte: 10, lte: 99, label: '10-99', color: 'orange' },
{ gt: 0, lte: 9, label: '<10', color: 'pink' },
{ value: 0, color: "#ccff99", label: "0" }
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name: '累计确诊人数',
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normal: {
areaColor: '#fce8d5',
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nameMap: nameMap
var virus = []
url: 'https://view.inews.qq.com/g2/getOnsInfo?name=disease_h5',
type: 'get',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
var res = data.data || "";
res = JSON.parse(res).chinaTotal.confirm;
virus.push({ name: '中国', value: res })
series: [{
data: virus
url: 'https://api.inews.qq.com/newsqa/v1/automation/foreign/country/ranklist',
type: 'get',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(data) {
var num = data.data
var sum = 0
for (var i = 0; i < num.length; i++) {
virus.push({ name: num[i].name, value: num[i].confirm })
sum += num[i].confirm
series: [{
data: virus
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
let res1, res2
url: 'https://view.inews.qq.com/g2/getOnsInfo?name=disease_h5',
type: 'get',
dataType: 'jsonp',
.then((data) => {
var res = data.data || "";
res1 = JSON.parse(res).chinaTotal.confirm;
res2 = JSON.parse(res).chinaTotal.heal;
return $.ajax({
url: 'https://api.inews.qq.com/newsqa/v1/automation/modules/list?modules=FAutoGlobalStatis,FAutoContinentStatis,FAutoGlobalDailyList,FAutoCountryConfirmAdd',
type: 'get',
// data: {},
dataType: 'json',
.then((data) => {
// console.log(data)
let sum = data.data.FAutoGlobalStatis.confirm + res1
let cureSum = data.data.FAutoGlobalStatis.heal + res2
$(".no-hd li:first").text(sum)
$(".no-hd li:nth-child(2)").text(cureSum)
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<!-- 上模块 -->
<div class="no">
<div class="no-hd">
<div class="no-bd">
<li class="text-white">累计确诊人数</li>
<li class="text-white">累计治愈人数</li>
<!-- 地图模块 -->
<div class="map">
<div class="chart" id="viewDiv"
style="-webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; user-select: none;">
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Planning 计划 1day
- Estimate 估计这个任务需要多少时间 1week
Development 开发  2day
- Analysis 需求分析 1h
- Coding Standard 代码规范 20min
- Design 具体设计 2day
- Coding 具体编码 2day
- Test 测试
- Count 总计 6day


Development 开发  3day
- Analysis 需求分析 30min
- Coding Standard 代码规范 20min
- Design 具体设计 2day
- Coding 具体编码 1day
- Test 测试
- Count 总计 3day



