opencv: 角点检测源码分析;

以下6个函数是opencv有关角点检测的函数 ConerHarris, cornoerMinEigenVal,CornorEigenValsAndVecs, preConerDetect, conerSubPix, goodFeaturesToTracks, 其中, 前三个都调用静态函数cornerEigenValsVecs



static void
cornerEigenValsVecs( const Mat& src, Mat& eigenv, int block_size,
                     int aperture_size, int op_type, double k=0.,
                     int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT )
    if (tegra::useTegra() && tegra::cornerEigenValsVecs(src, eigenv, block_size, aperture_size, op_type, k, borderType))
    bool haveAvx = CV_CPU_HAS_SUPPORT_AVX;
#if CV_SIMD128
    bool haveSimd = hasSIMD128();

    int depth = src.depth();
    double scale = (double)(1 << ((aperture_size > 0 ? aperture_size : 3) - 1)) * block_size;
    if( aperture_size < 0 )
        scale *= 2.0;
    if( depth == CV_8U )
        scale *= 255.0;
    scale = 1.0/scale;

    CV_Assert( src.type() == CV_8UC1 || src.type() == CV_32FC1 );

    Mat Dx, Dy;
    if( aperture_size > 0 )
        Sobel( src, Dx, CV_32F, 1, 0, aperture_size, scale, 0, borderType );
        Sobel( src, Dy, CV_32F, 0, 1, aperture_size, scale, 0, borderType );
        Scharr( src, Dx, CV_32F, 1, 0, scale, 0, borderType );
        Scharr( src, Dy, CV_32F, 0, 1, scale, 0, borderType );

    Size size = src.size();
    Mat cov( size, CV_32FC3 );
    int i, j;

    for( i = 0; i < size.height; i++ )
        float* cov_data = cov.ptr<float>(i);
        const float* dxdata = Dx.ptr<float>(i);
        const float* dydata = Dy.ptr<float>(i);

        if( haveAvx )
            j = cornerEigenValsVecsLine_AVX(dxdata, dydata, cov_data, size.width);
#endif // CV_TRY_AVX
            j = 0;

#if CV_SIMD128
        if( haveSimd )
            for( ; j <= size.width - v_float32x4::nlanes; j += v_float32x4::nlanes )
                v_float32x4 v_dx = v_load(dxdata + j);
                v_float32x4 v_dy = v_load(dydata + j);

                v_float32x4 v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2;
                v_dst0 = v_dx * v_dx;
                v_dst1 = v_dx * v_dy;
                v_dst2 = v_dy * v_dy;

                v_store_interleave(cov_data + j * 3, v_dst0, v_dst1, v_dst2);
#endif // CV_SIMD128

        for( ; j < size.width; j++ )
            float dx = dxdata[j];
            float dy = dydata[j];

            cov_data[j*3] = dx*dx;
            cov_data[j*3+1] = dx*dy;
            cov_data[j*3+2] = dy*dy;

    boxFilter(cov, cov, cov.depth(), Size(block_size, block_size),
        Point(-1,-1), false, borderType );

    if( op_type == MINEIGENVAL )
        calcMinEigenVal( cov, eigenv );                    //最小特征值;  如果最小的特征值都满足角点的要求,那么说明是角点,并且是强角点;
    else if( op_type == HARRIS )
        calcHarris( cov, eigenv, k );
    else if( op_type == EIGENVALSVECS )
        calcEigenValsVecs( cov, eigenv );


preConerDetect: 角点检测的特征图, 利用二阶导数求解角点,二阶导数为零表示角点;

计算Dx^2Dyy + Dy^2Dxx - 2DxDyDxy

void cv::preCornerDetect( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ksize, int borderType )

    int type = _src.type();
    CV_Assert( type == CV_8UC1 || type == CV_32FC1 );

    CV_OCL_RUN( _src.dims() <= 2 && _dst.isUMat(),
                ocl_preCornerDetect(_src, _dst, ksize, borderType, CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)))

    Mat Dx, Dy, D2x, D2y, Dxy, src = _src.getMat();
    _dst.create( src.size(), CV_32FC1 );
    Mat dst = _dst.getMat();

    Sobel( src, Dx, CV_32F, 1, 0, ksize, 1, 0, borderType );
    Sobel( src, Dy, CV_32F, 0, 1, ksize, 1, 0, borderType );
    Sobel( src, D2x, CV_32F, 2, 0, ksize, 1, 0, borderType );
    Sobel( src, D2y, CV_32F, 0, 2, ksize, 1, 0, borderType );
    Sobel( src, Dxy, CV_32F, 1, 1, ksize, 1, 0, borderType );

    double factor = 1 << (ksize - 1);
    if( src.depth() == CV_8U )
        factor *= 255;
    factor = 1./(factor * factor * factor);
#if CV_SIMD128
    float factor_f = (float)factor;
    bool haveSimd = hasSIMD128();
    v_float32x4 v_factor = v_setall_f32(factor_f), v_m2 = v_setall_f32(-2.0f);

    Size size = src.size();
    int i, j;
    for( i = 0; i < size.height; i++ )
        float* dstdata = dst.ptr<float>(i);
        const float* dxdata = Dx.ptr<float>(i);
        const float* dydata = Dy.ptr<float>(i);
        const float* d2xdata = D2x.ptr<float>(i);
        const float* d2ydata = D2y.ptr<float>(i);
        const float* dxydata = Dxy.ptr<float>(i);

        j = 0;

#if CV_SIMD128
        if (haveSimd)
            for( ; j <= size.width - v_float32x4::nlanes; j += v_float32x4::nlanes )
                v_float32x4 v_dx = v_load(dxdata + j);
                v_float32x4 v_dy = v_load(dydata + j);

                v_float32x4 v_s1 = (v_dx * v_dx) * v_load(d2ydata + j);
                v_float32x4 v_s2 = v_muladd((v_dy * v_dy),  v_load(d2xdata + j), v_s1);
                v_float32x4 v_s3 = v_muladd((v_dy * v_dx) * v_load(dxydata + j), v_m2, v_s2);

                v_store(dstdata + j, v_s3 * v_factor);

        for( ; j < size.width; j++ )
            float dx = dxdata[j];
            float dy = dydata[j];
            dstdata[j] = (float)(factor*(dx*dx*d2ydata[j] + dy*dy*d2xdata[j] - 2*dx*dy*dxydata[j]));            //计算特征图;




void cv::cornerSubPix( InputArray _image, InputOutputArray _corners,
                       Size win, Size zeroZone, TermCriteria criteria )

    const int MAX_ITERS = 100;
    int win_w = win.width * 2 + 1, win_h = win.height * 2 + 1;
    int i, j, k;
    int max_iters = (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_ITER) ? MIN(MAX(criteria.maxCount, 1), MAX_ITERS) : MAX_ITERS;
    double eps = (criteria.type & CV_TERMCRIT_EPS) ? MAX(criteria.epsilon, 0.) : 0;
    eps *= eps; // use square of error in comparsion operations

    cv::Mat src = _image.getMat(), cornersmat = _corners.getMat();
    int count = cornersmat.checkVector(2, CV_32F);
    CV_Assert( count >= 0 );
    Point2f* corners = cornersmat.ptr<Point2f>();

    if( count == 0 )

    CV_Assert( win.width > 0 && win.height > 0 );
    CV_Assert( src.cols >= win.width*2 + 5 && src.rows >= win.height*2 + 5 );
    CV_Assert( src.channels() == 1 );

    Mat maskm(win_h, win_w, CV_32F), subpix_buf(win_h+2, win_w+2, CV_32F);
    float* mask = maskm.ptr<float>();

    for( i = 0; i < win_h; i++ )
        float y = (float)(i - win.height)/win.height;
        float vy = std::exp(-y*y);
        for( j = 0; j < win_w; j++ )
            float x = (float)(j - win.width)/win.width;
            mask[i * win_w + j] = (float)(vy*std::exp(-x*x));

    // make zero_zone
    if( zeroZone.width >= 0 && zeroZone.height >= 0 &&
        zeroZone.width * 2 + 1 < win_w && zeroZone.height * 2 + 1 < win_h )
        for( i = win.height - zeroZone.height; i <= win.height + zeroZone.height; i++ )
            for( j = win.width - zeroZone.width; j <= win.width + zeroZone.width; j++ )
                mask[i * win_w + j] = 0;

    // do optimization loop for all the points
    for( int pt_i = 0; pt_i < count; pt_i++ )
        Point2f cT = corners[pt_i], cI = cT;
        int iter = 0;
        double err = 0;

            Point2f cI2;
            double a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, bb1 = 0, bb2 = 0;

            getRectSubPix(src, Size(win_w+2, win_h+2), cI, subpix_buf, subpix_buf.type());
            const float* subpix = &<float>(1,1);

            // process gradient
            for( i = 0, k = 0; i < win_h; i++, subpix += win_w + 2 )
                double py = i - win.height;

                for( j = 0; j < win_w; j++, k++ )
                    double m = mask[k];
                    double tgx = subpix[j+1] - subpix[j-1];
                    double tgy = subpix[j+win_w+2] - subpix[j-win_w-2];
                    double gxx = tgx * tgx * m;
                    double gxy = tgx * tgy * m;
                    double gyy = tgy * tgy * m;
                    double px = j - win.width;

                    a += gxx;
                    b += gxy;
                    c += gyy;

                    bb1 += gxx * px + gxy * py;
                    bb2 += gxy * px + gyy * py;

            double det=a*c-b*b;
            if( fabs( det ) <= DBL_EPSILON*DBL_EPSILON )

            // 2x2 matrix inversion
            double scale=1.0/det;
            cI2.x = (float)(cI.x + c*scale*bb1 - b*scale*bb2);
            cI2.y = (float)(cI.y - b*scale*bb1 + a*scale*bb2);
            err = (cI2.x - cI.x) * (cI2.x - cI.x) + (cI2.y - cI.y) * (cI2.y - cI.y);
            cI = cI2;
            if( cI.x < 0 || cI.x >= src.cols || cI.y < 0 || cI.y >= src.rows )
        while( ++iter < max_iters && err > eps );

        // if new point is too far from initial, it means poor convergence.
        // leave initial point as the result
        if( fabs( cI.x - cT.x ) > win.width || fabs( cI.y - cT.y ) > win.height )
            cI = cT;

        corners[pt_i] = cI;



void cv::goodFeaturesToTrack( InputArray _image, OutputArray _corners,
                              int maxCorners, double qualityLevel, double minDistance,
                              InputArray _mask, int blockSize,
                              bool useHarrisDetector, double harrisK )

    CV_Assert( qualityLevel > 0 && minDistance >= 0 && maxCorners >= 0 );
    CV_Assert( _mask.empty() || (_mask.type() == CV_8UC1 && _mask.sameSize(_image)) );

    CV_OCL_RUN(_image.dims() <= 2 && _image.isUMat(),
               ocl_goodFeaturesToTrack(_image, _corners, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance,
                                    _mask, blockSize, useHarrisDetector, harrisK))

    Mat image = _image.getMat(), eig, tmp;
    if (image.empty())

    // Disabled due to bad accuracy
    CV_OVX_RUN(false && useHarrisDetector && _mask.empty() &&
               !ovx::skipSmallImages<VX_KERNEL_HARRIS_CORNERS>(image.cols, image.rows),
               openvx_harris(image, _corners, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance, blockSize, harrisK))

    if( useHarrisDetector )
        cornerHarris( image, eig, blockSize, 3, harrisK );
        cornerMinEigenVal( image, eig, blockSize, 3 );

    double maxVal = 0;
    minMaxLoc( eig, 0, &maxVal, 0, 0, _mask );
    threshold( eig, eig, maxVal*qualityLevel, 0, THRESH_TOZERO );
    dilate( eig, tmp, Mat());

    Size imgsize = image.size();
    std::vector<const float*> tmpCorners;

    // collect list of pointers to features - put them into temporary image
    Mat mask = _mask.getMat();
    for( int y = 1; y < imgsize.height - 1; y++ )
        const float* eig_data = (const float*)eig.ptr(y);
        const float* tmp_data = (const float*)tmp.ptr(y);
        const uchar* mask_data = ? mask.ptr(y) : 0;

        for( int x = 1; x < imgsize.width - 1; x++ )
            float val = eig_data[x];
            if( val != 0 && val == tmp_data[x] && (!mask_data || mask_data[x]) )
                tmpCorners.push_back(eig_data + x);

    std::vector<Point2f> corners;
    size_t i, j, total = tmpCorners.size(), ncorners = 0;

    if (total == 0)

    std::sort( tmpCorners.begin(), tmpCorners.end(), greaterThanPtr() );

    if (minDistance >= 1)                            //邻域处理;
         // Partition the image into larger grids
        int w = image.cols;
        int h = image.rows;

        const int cell_size = cvRound(minDistance);
        const int grid_width = (w + cell_size - 1) / cell_size;
        const int grid_height = (h + cell_size - 1) / cell_size;

        std::vector<std::vector<Point2f> > grid(grid_width*grid_height);

        minDistance *= minDistance;

        for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
            int ofs = (int)((const uchar*)tmpCorners[i] - eig.ptr());
            int y = (int)(ofs / eig.step);
            int x = (int)((ofs - y*eig.step)/sizeof(float));

            bool good = true;

            int x_cell = x / cell_size;
            int y_cell = y / cell_size;

            int x1 = x_cell - 1;
            int y1 = y_cell - 1;
            int x2 = x_cell + 1;
            int y2 = y_cell + 1;

            // boundary check
            x1 = std::max(0, x1);
            y1 = std::max(0, y1);
            x2 = std::min(grid_width-1, x2);
            y2 = std::min(grid_height-1, y2);

            for( int yy = y1; yy <= y2; yy++ )                    //移动;
                for( int xx = x1; xx <= x2; xx++ )
                    std::vector <Point2f> &m = grid[yy*grid_width + xx];

                    if( m.size() )
                        for(j = 0; j < m.size(); j++)
                            float dx = x - m[j].x;
                            float dy = y - m[j].y;

                            if( dx*dx + dy*dy < minDistance )    //邻域内有角点的话, 就剔除;        
                                good = false;
                                goto break_out;


            if (good)
                grid[y_cell*grid_width + x_cell].push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y));

                corners.push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y));

                if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners )
        for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
            int ofs = (int)((const uchar*)tmpCorners[i] - eig.ptr());
            int y = (int)(ofs / eig.step);
            int x = (int)((ofs - y*eig.step)/sizeof(float));

            corners.push_back(Point2f((float)x, (float)y));
            if( maxCorners > 0 && (int)ncorners == maxCorners )

    Mat(corners).convertTo(_corners, _corners.fixedType() ? _corners.type() : CV_32F);

注: 该博文为扩展型;
