【.Net Micro Framework PortingKit 06】设置芯片时钟



   .\DeviceCode\Targets\Native\CortexM3目录中新建 CortexM3.h文件,并编写如下代码:

#ifndef _CORTEXM3_H_

#define _CORTEXM3_H_1

#include <cores\arm\include\cpu.h>

typedef volatile unsigned long VU32;

typedef volatile unsigned short VU16;

typedef volatile unsigned char VU8;

extern "C"


    void BootstrapCode_Clocks();


/*------------------------ Reset and Clock Control ---------------------------*/

struct CortexM3_RCC


    static const UINT32 c_Base = 0x40021000;


    static const    UINT8 FLAG_HSIRDY = ((UINT8)0x20);

    static const    UINT8 FLAG_HSERDY = ((UINT8)0x31);

    /****/ volatile UINT32 CR;

    static const    UINT32 CR_HSEBYP_Reset = ((UINT32)0xFFFBFFFF);

    static const    UINT32 CR_HSEBYP_Set = ((UINT32)0x00040000);

    static const    UINT32 CR_HSEON_Reset = ((UINT32)0xFFFEFFFF);

    static const    UINT32 CR_HSEON_Set = ((UINT32)0x00010000);

    static const    UINT32 CR_HSITRIM_Mask = ((UINT32)0xFFFFFF07);

    /****/ volatile UINT32 CFGR;

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_SYSCLK_Div1 = ((UINT32)0x00000000);

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_SYSCLK_Div2 = ((UINT32)0x00000080);

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_SYSCLK_Div4 = ((UINT32)0x00000090);

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_SYSCLK_Div8 = ((UINT32)0x000000A0);

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_SYSCLK_Div16 = ((UINT32)0x000000B0);

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_HCLK_Div1 = ((UINT32)0x00000000);

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_HCLK_Div2 = ((UINT32)0x00000400);

    static const    UINT32 CFGR_HCLK_Div4 = ((UINT32)0x00000500);


    // 省略部分代码 .....


    /****/ volatile UINT32 APB1RSTR;

    /****/ volatile UINT32 AHBENR;

    /****/ volatile UINT32 BDCR;

    /****/ volatile UINT32 CSR;

    static void Initialize();

    static bool GetFlagStatus(UINT8 Flag);


struct CortexM3


    static CortexM3_RCC & RCC()   { return *(CortexM3_RCC *)(size_t)(CortexM3_RCC::c_Base); }


#endif // _CORTEXM3_H_1



   #include <tinyhal.h>

#include "..\CortexM3.h"


#pragma arm section code = "SectionForBootstrapOperations"

void __section(SectionForBootstrapOperations) CortexM3_RCC::Initialize (void)


         CortexM3_RCC &RCC = CortexM3::RCC();

        // RCC system reset(for debug purpose)

         /* Set HSION bit */

         RCC.CR |= (UINT32)0x00000001;

         /* Reset SW[1:0], HPRE[3:0], PPRE1[2:0], PPRE2[2:0], ADCPRE[1:0] and MCO[2:0] bits */

         RCC.CFGR &= (UINT32)0xF8FF0000;

         /* Reset HSEON, CSSON and PLLON bits */

         RCC.CR &= (UINT32)0xFEF6FFFF;

         // 省略部分代码 .....


         /* Enable GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOF, GPIOG and AFIO clocks */



bool __section(SectionForBootstrapOperations) CortexM3_RCC::GetFlagStatus(UINT8 Flag)


         UINT32 tmp = 0;

         UINT32 statusreg = 0;

         CortexM3_RCC &RCC = CortexM3::RCC();

         /* Get the RCC register index */

         tmp = Flag >> 5;

         if (tmp == 1)               /* The flag to check is in CR register */


                   statusreg = RCC.CR;


         else if (tmp == 2)          /* The flag to check is in BDCR register */


                   statusreg = RCC.BDCR;


         else                       /* The flag to check is in CSR register */


                   statusreg = RCC.CSR;


         /* Get the flag position */

         tmp = Flag & ((UINT8)0x1F);

         return ((statusreg & ((UINT32)1 << tmp)) != 0);


void __section(SectionForBootstrapOperations) BootstrapCode_Clocks()




extern "C"


void __section(SectionForBootstrapOperations) BootstrapCode()





#pragma arm section code




    <RequiredProjects Include="$(SPOCLIENT)\DeviceCode\Targets\Native\CortexM3\DeviceCode\stubs_bootstrap\dotNetMF.proj" />

    <DriverLibs Include="cpu_bootstrap_stubs.$(LIB_EXT)" />




    <RequiredProjects Include="$(SPOCLIENT)\DeviceCode\Targets\Native\CortexM3\DeviceCode\BootStrap\dotNetMF.proj" />

    <DriverLibs Include="BootStrap.$(LIB_EXT)" />



       这即将过去的2010年的前三天,对我来说是辛苦的三天,平均每天工作16个小时以上,不仅编写了相关代码,还写了以上六篇文章。希望我的这些努力能点燃.Net Micro Framework爱好者心中的热情,动起手来一起移植.Net Micro Framework,其实这对自己的嵌入式开发功力的提高也大有裨益。明天就要上班了,我将又回到开发Wifi相关接口的工作上来,后续的文章我想只有到下周末才能相见了,到那时我们将编写串口驱动,系统的一些调试信息将可以通过串口传输给PC机上的串口调试程序,这一步将是关键的一步,非常值得的期待,希望我能顺利完成这步工作!
