Install NukeX v7.0v6 in CentOS 7


- unzip and untar to /home/user0/tools/foundry/nuke/THE_FOUNDRY_NUKEX_V7.0V6_LNX64-XFORCE

- setup



- crack. Follow the instrcution for cracking: /home/user0/tools/foundry/nuke/THE_FOUNDRY_NUKEX_V7.0V6_LNX64-XFORCE/Crack/install-lnx.txt, here is the step on my machine:

- Install FLT



- Stop Foundry License Server

/usr/local/foundry/LicensingTools7.0/FoundryLicenseUtility -s stop -t RLM

- Copy the cracked rlm.foundry over the original one (/usr/local/foundry/LicensingTools7.0/bin/RLM/rlm.foundry"

cp /home/user0/tools/foundry/nuke/THE_FOUNDRY_NUKEX_V7.0V6_LNX64-XFORCE/Crack/FLT_7.0v2_linux-x86-release-64RH/rlm.foundry /usr/local/foundry/LicensingTools7.0/bin/RLM/

If it complain rlm.foundry is busy, you should kill rlm.foundry process in SystemMoniter first, then execute the above command again.

- find /home/user0/tools/foundry/nuke/THE_FOUNDRY_NUKEX_V7.0V6_LNX64-XFORCE/Crack/xf_foundry.lic,

Replacing HOST_NAME MAC_ADDRESS PORT in xf_foundry.lic.You can get those informations using rlmutil (./rlmutil rlmhostid host and ./rlmutil rlmhostid)
/usr/local/foundry/LicensingTools7.0/bin/RLM/rlmutil rlmhostid host
/usr/local/foundry/LicensingTools7.0/bin/RLM/rlmutil rlmhostid

- copy the xf_foundry.lic to /usr/local/foundry/RLM

cp /home/user0/tools/foundry/nuke/THE_FOUNDRY_NUKEX_V7.0V6_LNX64-XFORCE/Crack/xf_foundry.lic /usr/local/foundry/RLM

- start Applications>Graphics>NukeX 7.0v6


Nuke can't start after I switch my network connection to another WIFI(I have different IP with each WIFI). But  Houdini doesn't has this problem.

I can't come out even I add a line to /etc/hosts, and reboot my system:

<new IP with another WIFI> myserver

So I have to stick to the network which is used for cracking Nuke.
