
# hen_cost: 3$, cock_cost: 5$, chicken_cost: 1/3$
# for buying 100 chickens with 100$, calculator numbers of: hen, cock, chicken, counter of each must not be 0

for i in range(1, 100//5):
    for j in range(1, 100//3):
        for k in range(1, 100*3):
            if 3 * i +5 * j + k/3 == 100 and i + j + k == 100:
                if i !=0 and j !=0 and k != 0:
                    print("The number of cock, hen, chicken is: %d %d %d" % (i, j, k))

"D:Program FilesPython37python.exe" D:/code/python3/homework1/
The number of cock, hen, chicken is: 4 12 84
The number of cock, hen, chicken is: 11 8 81
The number of cock, hen, chicken is: 18 4 78

Process finished with exit code 0
