
  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2 <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" >
  3 <mapper namespace="com.yhb.jsxn.mapper.FinanceProductsUsersMapper">
  4 <!-- mybatis sql语句中的转义字符的书写:
  5         1、在xml的sql语句中,不能直接用大于号、小于号要用转义字符
  6         如果用小于号会报错误如下:
  7         org.apache.ibatis.builder.BuilderException: Error creating document instance. 
  8         Cause: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of elements must consist of well-formed character data or markup.
  9         转义字符
 10                 小于号        <            &lt;
 11                 大于号        >        &gt;
 12                 和            &         &amp;
 13                 单引号        '        &apos;
 14                 双引号        "       &quot;
 15         2、使用<![CDATA[  你的sql语句  ]]>(sql语句中的<where><if>等标签不会被解析)
 16          如:
 17          <![CDATA[
 18                 select * from 
 19               (select t.*, ROWNUM as rowno from tbl_user t where ROWNUM <= #{page.end,jdbcType=DECIMAL}) table_alias
 20               where table_alias.rowno >#{page.start,jdbcType=DECIMAL}
 21              ]]>          
 22 -->
 24 <!--    Mybatis批量插入Oracle、MySQL 
 27  --> 
 29 <!-- mysql数据库的数据类型: -->
 30 <!--
 32 -->
 35 <!--  mysql修改字符编码
 36   X:\%path%MySQLMySQL Server 5.0inMySQLInstanceConfig.exe
 37   重新启动设置,将默认编码设置为utf8.这样就能达到我们所要的效果了。
 39 1、修改数据库字符编码
 41 mysql> alter database mydb character set utf8 ;
 43 2、创建数据库时,指定数据库的字符编码
 45 mysql> create database mydb character set utf8 ;
 47 3、查看mysql数据库的字符编码
 49 mysql> show variables like 'character%'; //查询当前mysql数据库的所有属性的字符编码
 51 +--------------------------+----------------------------+
 52 | Variable_name            | Value                      |
 53 +--------------------------+----------------------------+
 54 | character_set_client     | latin1                     |
 55 | character_set_connection | latin1                     |
 56 | character_set_database   | utf8                       |
 57 | character_set_filesystem | binary                     |
 58 | character_set_results    | latin1                     |
 59 | character_set_server     | utf8                       |
 60 | character_set_system     | utf8                       |
 61 | character_sets_dir       | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
 62 +--------------------------+----------------------------+
 64 4、修改mysql数据库的字符编码
 66 修改字符编码必须要修改mysql的配置文件my.cnf,然后重启才能生效
 68 通常需要修改my.cnf的如下几个地方:
 70 【client】下面,加上default-character-set=utf8,或者character_set_client=utf8
 72 【mysqld】下面,加上character_set_server = utf8 ;
 74 因为以上配置,mysql默认是latin1,如果仅仅是通过命令行客户端,mysql重启之后就不起作用了。
 76 如下是客户端命令行修改方式,不推荐使用
 78 mysql> set character_set_client=utf8 ;
 80 mysql> set character_set_connection=utf8 ;
 82 mysql> set character_set_database=utf8 ;
 84 mysql> set character_set_database=utf8 ;
 86 mysql> set character_set_results=utf8 ;
 88 mysql> set character_set_server=utf8 ;
 90 mysql> set character_set_system=utf8 ;
 92 mysql> show variables like 'character%';
 93 +--------------------------+----------------------------+
 94 | Variable_name            | Value                      |
 95 +--------------------------+----------------------------+
 96 | character_set_client     | utf8                       |
 97 | character_set_connection | utf8                       |
 98 | character_set_database   | utf8                       |
 99 | character_set_filesystem | binary                     |
100 | character_set_results    | utf8                       |
101 | character_set_server     | utf8                       |
102 | character_set_system     | utf8                       |
103 | character_sets_dir       | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ |
104 +--------------------------+----------------------------+
106     -> ;
107 +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
108 | Variable_name            | Value                                                         |
109 +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
110 | character_set_client     | utf8                                                          |
111 | character_set_connection | utf8                                                          |
112 | character_set_database   | utf8                                                          |
113 | character_set_filesystem | binary                                                        |
114 | character_set_results    | utf8                                                          |
115 | character_set_server     | utf8                                                          |
116 | character_set_system     | utf8                                                          |
117 | character_sets_dir       | C:Program Files (x86)MySQLMySQL Server 5.5sharecharsets |
118 +--------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
120 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
121 8 rows in set (0.00 sec)
122  -->
123     <!-- 查询结果映射 -->
124     <!--解决数据库表字段列明和实体vo不匹配问题  -->
125     <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.yhb.jsxn.entity.FinanceProductsUsers">
126         <!-- 主键映射 -->
127         <id column="FPUID" property="FPUID"                                     jdbcType="INTEGER" />
128         <result column="UserID" property="UserID"                                 jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
129         <result column="FProductsRates" property="FProductsRates"                 jdbcType="FLOAT" />
130         <result column="FProductsBuyMoney" property="FProductsBuyMoney"         jdbcType="DECIMAL" />
131         <result column="FProductsBuyTime" property="FProductsBuyTime"             jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
132         <result column="FProductsRateInNum" property="FProductsRateInNum"         jdbcType="INTEGER" />
134     </resultMap>
136     <!-- select 语句
137         select 标签属性:
138             id: id编号
139             parameterType: 获取的参数值:
140                 eg:
141                     java.lang.Integer
142                     map
143             resultMap:
144                 eg:
145                     返回的是一个映射结果集,对应一个实体vo类
146                             想用ParameterType=Map传入多个参数构造SQL进行查询:
147                             <select id="getBusList" resultMap="busListMap" parameterType="java.util.Map">  
148                                     select bs.bus_id as bus_id,bs.arrive_time as up_time,b.start_station  
149                                     as start_station_id,  
150                                     b.end_station as end_station_id  
151                                     from bus b , bus_station bs where b.bus_id = bs.bus_id and  
152                                     bs.station_id=#{upStationId}  
153                                     and is_up=1 and b.up_station_line like  
154                                     #{upStationLineLike} and b.down_station_line  
155                                     like  
156                                     #{downStationLineLike}  
157                                     and (b.daily=1 or b.weekly like #{weeklyLike} or b.run_day like  
158                                     #{runDayLike} )  
159                                     order by bs.arrive_time asc  
160                                 </select>  
161                             调试时报 Parameter not found异常
162                             解决方法,使用此方式传参,必须在对应的接口方法用@Param标签定义参数value才行:
164                             public List<Bus> getBusList(@Param(value = "upStationId") long upStationId,   
165                                         @Param(value = "upStationLineLike") String upStationLineLike,   
166                                         @Param(value = "downStationLineLike") String downStationLineLike,  
167                                         @Param(value = "weeklyLike") String weeklyLike,  
168                                         @Param(value = "runDayLike") String runDayLike  
169                                         ){} ;  
170             resultType:
171                 eg:
172                     Integer
173                     String
174                     Decimal
175                     int
176      -->
177    <select id="selectFinByFPUID" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.Integer">
178    select 
179     *
180     from financeproducts_users
181     where FPUID = #{FPUID,jdbcType=INTEGER}
182   </select>
183     <select id="selectAllByFPid" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="map">
184         select
185         a.TrueName,a.UserName,b.FProductsBuyMoney,b.FProductsBuyTime from
186         accounts_users a, financeproducts_users b where a.UserID = b.UserID
187         and b.FPid=#{fpid} and FProductsCountNum &gt; FProductsRateInNum order
188         by b.FProductsBuyTime DESC limit
189         #{pageNo},#{size}
190     </select>
191     <select id="getFinancialUsers" resultType="String">
192         select distinct userid from financeproducts_users
193     </select>
194     <select id="selectNewProduct" parameterType="String" resultType="Integer">
195         select count(*) from financeproducts_users where UserID =#{userId} and
196         FPid in (140,141)
197     </select>
198     <select id="getUserFreeze"  parameterType="map" resultType="Decimal">
199         select sum(FproductsBuyMoney-FProductsRateMoney) userFrezz from
200         financeproducts_users where UserID =#{userId} and FProductsEm_k2=1
201     </select>
202     <!--     <if test="array.length > 0">
203                     <where>
204                         <foreach collection="array"  open="(" item="age" close=")" separator=",">
205                             and age in (#{age})
206                         </foreach>
207                     </where>
208                 </if> -->
210     <select id="selectByUserIdById" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="Map">
211         select * from (
212         select
213         a.UserID,a.FProductsBuyMoney,a.FProductsName,b.ProfitMoney,b.UserId_Get,b.UserName_Give
214         from financeproducts_users a
215         left join
216         (SELECT
217         UserId_Give,UserId_Get,UserName_Give,ProfitMoney FROM
218         accounts_distributor_profit
219         where UserId_Get=#{Id} group by UserId_Give
220         )b
221         on a.UserId=b.UserId_Give
222         )a where a.UserId_Get is not null
223     </select> 
224      <select id="getHistoricalBuyProductsByName" resultMap="BaseResultMap"
225         parameterType="hashMap">
226         select
227         FProductsName,FProductsRateInNum,FProductsImgs,FProductsCountRateMoney,FProductsBuyMoney,
228         FProductsBuyTime,FProductsCountNum
229         from financeproducts_users
230         where
231         <if test="UserID !=null">
232             UserID =#{UserID}
233         </if>
234         and FProductsCountNum<![CDATA[<=]]>FProductsRateInNum
235         <if test="startTime !=null">
236             and DATE_FORMAT(FProductsBuyTime,'%Y-%m-%d')<![CDATA[>=]]>#{startTime}
237         </if>
238         <if test="dayNum !=null">
239             and FProductsCountNum <![CDATA[<=]]>#{dayNum}
240         </if>
241         <if test="FProductsName !=null and FProductsName !=''">
242         <!-- mysql> select concat_ws(',','11','22','33');
244                 +-------------------------------+
245                 | concat_ws(',','11','22','33') |
246                 +-------------------------------+
247                 | 11,22,33 |
248                 +-------------------------------+ 
249         oracle 可以使用||来连接
250         -->
251             and FProductsName like CONCAT('%', #{FProductsName}, '%')
252         </if>
253     </select> 
254     <select id="selectAlreadyByUserId" resultMap="BaseResultMap"
255         parameterType="Map">
256         select
257         FProductsName,FProductsRateInNum,FProductsImgs,FProductsCountRateMoney,FProductsBuyMoney,
258         FProductsBuyTime,FProductsCountNum
259         from financeproducts_users
260         where
261         FProductsCountNum &gt; FProductsRateInNum and UserID =#{UserID}
262         order
263         by FProductsBuyTime
264     </select>
265         <!--根据查询条件获取历史购买产品并分页 
266             用 ISNULL(), NVL(), IFNULL() and COALESCE() 函数替换空值
267             在数据库操作中,往往要对一些查询出来的空值进行替换,如函数SUM(),这个函数如果没有值会返回NULL,这是我们不希望看到的,
268                     在MySQL中我们可以这样来写:
269                         select IFNULL(sum(data),0) ...
270                     在SQLSERVER中我们可以这样写:
271                         select ISNULL(sum(data),0) ...
272                     在ORACLE中我们可以这样写:
273                         select NVL(sum(data),0) ...
274             对于所有数据库适用的方法可以这样写:
275                     select COALESCE(sum(data),0) ...
276         COALESCE()用法:
277              COALESCE(value,...)
278             返回第一个不是null的值,如果参数列表全是null,则返回null
279                 SELECT COALESCE(NULL,1);
280                     -> 1
281                 SELECT COALESCE(NULL,NULL,NULL);
282                 -> NULL
283         -->
284     <select id="selectHistoricalByUserIdByPageName" resultMap="BaseResultMap"
285         parameterType="Map">
287             select b.UserID,coalesce(a.FProductsBuyMoney,b.FProductsRateMoney) as FProductsBuyMoney,coalesce(a.m,0) as sumProfit,b.FProductsRateMoney,b.FPUID,b.FProductsName,b.FProductsImgs from 
288              ( select * from financeproducts_users where FProductsEm_k2 = 0 and userid =#{UserID}) b
289             left join
290                     (select userid,FProductsBuyMoney,FProductsRateEm_k1,sum(FProductsAsRateMoney) as m from financeproducts_rates 
291                     where userid =#{UserID}
292                      group by FProductsRateEm_k1 ) a
293                     on a.FProductsRateEm_k1=b.fpuid 
295         <if test="startTime !=null">
296             and DATE_FORMAT(b.FProductsBuyTime,'%Y-%m-%d')<![CDATA[>=]]>#{startTime}
297         </if>
298         <if test="productName !=null">
299             and b.FProductsName like CONCAT('%', #{productName}, '%')
300         </if>
301     </select>
303       <!-- insert -->
304       <insert id="insertSelective" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="FPUID" parameterType="com.yhb.jsxn.entity.FinanceProductsUsers">
305         insert into financeproducts_users
306         <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
307             <if test="UserID != null">
308                 UserID,
309             </if>
310             <if test="FPid != null">
311                 FPid,
312             </if>
313         </trim>
314         <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=",">
315             <if test="UserID != null">
316                 #{UserID,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
317             </if>
318             <if test="FPid != null">
319                 #{FPid,jdbcType=INTEGER},
320             </if>
321             <if test="FProductsName != null">
322                 #{FProductsName,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
323             </if>
324         </trim>
325     </insert>
327     <!-- update 语句 -->
328     <update id="updateByPrimaryKeySelective" parameterType="com.yhb.jsxn.entity.FinanceProductsUsers">
329         update financeproducts_users
330         <set>
331             <if test="FProductsEm_k2 != null">
332                 FProductsEm_k2=#{FProductsEm_k2,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
333             </if>
334             <if test="FProductsEm_k3 != null">
335                 FProductsEm_k3=#{FProductsEm_k3,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
336             </if>
337         </set>
338         where FPUID =#{FPUID,jdbcType=INTEGER}
339     </update>
341     <!-- del 语句 -->
342 </mapper>