php 数据库类

 * 对Yii2数据封装
 * @author
 * @date 2017-03-08
 * 抽象类不能被实例化
    eg1: select
    use commonmodels as b_model;

    $users_model = b_modelFactoryModel::users();
    $result = $users_model->getInfoByPk();
    eg2: update|insert
    use commonmodels as b_model;
    use commonmodelsentity as b_entity;

    $users_entity = new b_entityUsers();
    $users_entity->name = '尼克';
    $users_entity->age = 25;
    $users_model = b_modelFactoryModel::users();
    $result = $users_model->updateByPk($users_entity);
namespace commonmodels;

use yii;
use yiidbActiveRecord;

 * Base model
 * @author
 * @date 2017-03-08
abstract class BaseModel extends ActiveRecord
    protected static $_db = null;
    private $sql;
    private $PrimaryKeyField; //主键字段名
    private $pk; //主键
    private $field_values;//存放数据库字段数组
    protected $table;
    protected $field = '*';
    protected $where;
    protected $orderby;
    protected $limit;
    protected $groupby;
     * set db
     * @param type $db
    protected function _setDb($db = null)
        if(null == $db)
            $db = Yii::$app->db;
        self::$_db = $db;
     * get db
     * @return type
    protected function _getDb()
            $this->_setDb ();
        return self::$_db;
     * 设置SQL语句
    private function setSQL($sql)
        $this->sql = $sql;
     * 获取SQL语句
    function getSQL()
        return $this->sql;
     * 设置field_values
    private function setFieldValues($field_values)
            throw new Exception ('entity must be Object', 500);
        $this->field_values = $field_values;
     * 获取field_values
    private function getFieldValues()
        return $this->cleanArray((array)$this->field_values);
     * 清除values of SQL injections
     * @param type $array
     * @return array
    private function cleanArray($array)
        $array = array_map('trim', $array);
        $array = array_map('stripslashes', $array);
        $array = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $array);
        return $array;
     * 设置主键字段名
    protected function setPrimaryKeyField($PrimaryKeyField)
        $this->PrimaryKeyField = $PrimaryKeyField;
     * 获取主键字段名
    protected function getPrimaryKeyField()
        return $this->PrimaryKeyField;
     * 设置主键值
     * @param int
    public function setPk($pk)
        $this->pk = $pk;
     * 获取主键值
     * @return int
    public function getPk()
        return $this->pk;
     * 设置表名
    protected function setTable($table)
        $this->table = $table;
     * 获取表名
    protected function getTable()
        return $this->table;
     * 设置Fields
    function setFields($fields)
        $this->field = $fields;
     * 获取Fields
    function getFields()
        return $this->field;
     * 设置where条件
    function setWhere($where)
        $this->where = $where;
     * 获取where条件
    function getWhere()
        return $this->where;
     * 设置Group
    function setGroupBy($groupby)
        $this->groupby = $groupby;
     * 获取Group
    function getGroupBy()
        return $this->groupby;
     * 设置Order
    function setOrderBy($orderby)
        $this->orderby = $orderby;
     * 设置Order
    function getOrderBy()
        return $this->orderby;
     * 设置条数
    function setLimit( $limit )
        $this->limit = $limit;
     * 获取条数
    function getLimit()
        return $this->limit;
     * 根据主键获取
    function getInfoByPk()
        $sql = "select {$this->getFields()} "
            ."from {$this->getTable()} "
            ."where {$this->getPrimaryKeyField()}={$this->getPk()}";
        return $this->query_one($sql);
     * 根据where条件获取一条信息
    function getOneByWhere()
        $sql = "SELECT {$this->getFields()} "
                . "FROM {$this->getTable()} "
                . "WHERE {$this->getWhere()}";
        return $this->query_one($sql);
     * 根据where条件获取数组列表
    function getListByWhere()
        $sql = "SELECT ";
        $sql .= "{$this->getFields()} "
                . "FROM {$this->getTable()} ";
        if ( $this->getWhere() != null ) {
            $sql .= "WHERE {$this->getWhere()} ";
        if ( $this->getGroupby() != null ) {
            $sql .= "GROUP BY {$this->getGroupby()} ";
        if ( $this->getOrderby() != null ) {
            $sql .= "ORDER BY {$this->getOrderby()} ";
        if ( $this->getLimit() != null ) {
            $sql .= "LIMIT {$this->getLimit()}";
        return $this->query_all($sql);
     * 根据where获取count
    function getCountByWhere()
        $sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM {$this->getTable()} ";
        if ( $this->getWhere() != null ) {
            $sql_count .= "WHERE " . $this->getWhere();
        return $this->query_scalar($sql_count);
     * 根据主键更新
    function updateByPk($entity)
        $sql = "UPDATE {$this->getTable()} SET ";
        foreach ($this->getFieldValues() as $key => $one){
            if ($one != NULL){
                $sql .= "$key='$one',";
        $sql = rtrim($sql, ',');
        $sql .= " WHERE {$this->getPrimaryKeyField()}='{$this->getPk()}'";
        return $this->execute($sql);
     * 根据WHERE更新
    function updateByWhere($entity)
        $sql = "UPDATE {$this->getTable()} SET ";
        foreach ($this->getFieldValues() as $key => $one){
            if ($one != NULL){
                $sql .= "$key='$one',";
        $sql = rtrim($sql, ',');
        $sql .= " {$this->getWhere()}";
        return $this->execute($sql);
     * 根据WHERE更新
    function insert_table($entity)
        $sql_values = '';
        $sql = "INSERT INTO {$this->getTable()} (";
        foreach ($this->getFieldValues() as $key => $one){
            if ($one != NULL){
                $sql .= "$key,";
                $sql_values .= "'$one',";
        $sql = rtrim($sql, ',').") VALUES (".rtrim($sql_values, ',').")";
        return $this->execute($sql);
    //-------------------------Yii2 base----------------------
    //-------------------------Yii2 base----------------------
    //-------------------------Yii2 base----------------------
    //* @author
    //* @date 2017-03-08
    //* 可扩展
     * 只获取一行,如果该查询没有结果则返回 false
     * @param type $sql
     * @return mix
    private function query_one($sql)
        return $this->_getDb()->createCommand($sql)->queryOne();
     * 返回所有数组,如果该查询没有结果则返回空数组
     * @param type $sql
     * @return type
    private function query_all($sql)
        return $this->_getDb()->createCommand($sql)->queryAll();
     * 返回一个标量值,如果该查询没有结果则返回 false
     * @param type $sql
     * @return type
    private function query_scalar($sql)
        return $this->_getDb()->createCommand($sql)->queryScalar();
     * execute操作
     * @param type $sql
     * @return type
    private function execute($sql)
        return $this->_getDb()->createCommand($sql)->execute();
     * sql过滤,后期安全扩展
     * @param type $str
     * @return type
    private function cleanString($value = '')
        if (is_string($value)) {
            $value = trim($value);
            $value = stripslashes($value);
            $value = mysqli_real_escape_string($value);
        return $value;
    //-------------------------Yii2 END----------------------
    //-------------------------Yii2 END----------------------
    //-------------------------Yii2 END----------------------