1.2 Interview 1.2.4 Sample Test(I)

1.2.4 Sample Test


Part One: InterView

Interlocutor's questions:

  1. Is it important to arrive on time for the interview?(在面试时准时到场重要吗?)

  Suggested answer:Yes. Being punctual is very important. If you arrived late, the interviewer would get the impression that you do not take the interview seriously.

  2. Is face-to-face interview the best way to select a candidate? (面试是筛选申请人的最佳方式吗?)

  Suggested answer: I suppose so. To see the candidate in person will to some extent help the interviewer to know the candidate's personality.

  3. Is it important to have some information about the interviewer? (了解面试者重要吗?)

  Suggested answer: Yes, indeed. If you learn the name and title of the persion you'll be meeting with, you can be sure about the way you are to address him or her.

  4. Is it important to keep eye contact with the interviewer?

  Suggested answer: Yes. Having eye contact shows your respectfulness and confidence.

  punctual: 按时的

  in person:当面  extent: 程度   to some extent help the interviewer:在某种程度上帮助面试官 

  indeed: 的确  

  address: 称呼  the way you are to address him or her: 你对他/她的称呼方式

  respect:尊敬  respectful:恭敬的  respectfulness:恭敬  confidence: 信心;自信
