debugging kubernetes (Delve and Goland)

1. Build from source

编译整个项目 make all GOLDFLAGS="" GOGCFLAGS="all=-N -l" 

编译单个组件 make GOLDFLAGS="" GOGCFLAGS="all=-N -l" WHAT="cmd/kube-apiserver"

如果需要编译不同平台使用 KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS=linux/amd64

编译后的命令  "_output/bin/"

2.Install delve 

Follow the delve's toturial to install delve

After install you can debugging use delve or use Goland

3.Debugging by Goland

Example by apiserver

cd $GOPATH/src/

$GOPATH/bin/dlv debug --headless --listen=:2345 --api-version=2 -- --etcd-servers http://localhost:2379

After the command delve will output a "debug" file in current directory and listen on 2345 port

Open Goland create new remote debug

 Don't forget create breakingpoints before debugging
