安装SpecCPU2006 on Linux of CentOS6.3, gcc4.4.7

安装SpecCPU2006 on Linux of CentOS6.3, gcc4.4.7

由于在tools/bin目录中只有ia64-linux,所以在直接运行./install.sh脚本时,系统会提示直接重新安装tools工具集。该过程如1.1.1 所示。另外一个做法就是指定可用的现成的工具集,例如linux-suse101-AMD64,首先在CPU2006/tools/bk_bin目录中选择合适的工具集并拷贝到CPU2006/tools/bin目录中,(当前以 linux-suse101-AMD64为例)然后按照命令./install.sh -u linux-suse101-AMD64 进行安装即可,具体过程如1.1.2 所示。
1.1.1 Install tools set.
操作系统是centOS6.3, 内核版本是3.1.10,gcc版本是4.4.7,在安装过程中出现了一些错误,目前只将部分错误解决了,尚未最终安装成功。
1) error in make tool/perl
The following patch will fix it (as will just deleting the offending
lines, as you've probably already discovered.) This patch already part of
the current development release, but hasn't yet been folded back into the
maintenance track.
--- perl-5.8.x/makedepend.SH 2006-06-13 15:31:22.000000000 -0400
+++ perl-5.8.x-andy/makedepend.SH 2006-07-25 14:45:11.000000000 -0400
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@
-e '/^#.*<builtin>/d'
-e '/^#.*<built-in>/d'
-e '/^#.*<command line>/d'
+ -e '/^#.*<command-line>/d'
-e '/^#.*"-"/d'
-e '/: file path prefix .* never used$/d'
-e 's#.[0-9][0-9]*.c#'"$file.c#"
Andy Dougherty doughera@lafayette.edu


2) error in CPU2006/tools/src/specmd5sum

注释掉md5sum.c 的line38即可。

3) error in 安装 perl-5.8.7
undefined reference to `pow'

4) error in too/perl
SysV.xs:7:25: error: asm/page.h: No such file or directory
解决方法: /home/lxj/CPU2006/tools/src/perl-5.8.7/ext/IPC/SysV/SysV.xs 打开对应注释即可:
include <asm/page.h>

5)配置tools/buildtool 脚本
./Configure -Dcc="gcc -lm"

6)安装 libwww-perl-5.803出错

1.1.2 指定工具集
1) cd CPU2006/tools/bk_bin;
2) cp linux-suse101-AMD64 ../bin/ -rf
3) ./install.sh -u linux-suse101-AMD64
4) sh shrc
