java ArrayList

package com.Test;
import java.util.*;
public class GameHelper {
    private static final String alphabet="abcdef";
    private int gridLength=2;
    private int gridSize=34;
    private int [] grid=new int[gridSize];
    private int comCount=0;
    public String getUserInput(String prompt){
        String inputLine=null;
        System.out.println(prompt+" ");
            BufferedReader is=new BufferedReader(
                    new InputStreamReader(;
            if(inputLine.length()==0) return null;
        }catch(IOException e){
        return inputLine.toLowerCase();
    public ArrayList<String> placeDotCom(int comSize){
        ArrayList<String> alphaCells=new ArrayList<String>();
        String[] alphacoords=new String[comSize];
        String temp=null;
        int[] coords=new int[comSize];
        int attempts=0;
        boolean success=false;
        int location=0;
        int incr=1;
        }while(!success & attempts++<200){
            int x=0;
            while(success && x<comSize){
        return alphaCells;
package com.Test;
import java.util.*;
public class DotCom {
    private ArrayList<String> locationCells;
    private String name;
    public void setLocationCells(ArrayList<String> loc){
    public void setName(String n){
    public String checkYourself(String userInput){
        String result="miss";
        int index=locationCells.indexOf(userInput);
                System.out.println("outch you have sunk");
        return result;

package com.Test;
import java.util.*;

public class DotComBust {
    private GameHelper helper=new GameHelper();
    private ArrayList<DotCom> dotComsList=new ArrayList<DotCom>();
    private int mumOfGuesses=0;
    private void setUpGame(){
        DotCom one=new DotCom();
        DotCom two=new DotCom();
        DotCom three=new DotCom();
        System.out.println("You goal is to sink three dot com");
        System.out.println("Try to sink all in the fewest number of guesses");
        for(DotCom dotComToSet:dotComsList){
            ArrayList<String> newLocation=helper.placeDotCom(3);

    private void startPlaying(){
            String userGuess=helper.getUserInput("Enter a guess");
    private void checkUserGuess(String userGuess){
        String result="miss";
        for(DotCom dotComToTest :dotComsList){
    private void finishGame(){
    public static void main(String[] args){
        DotComBust game=new DotComBust();

