Roslyn Cookbook

Roslyn Cookbook

by Manish Vasani

Publisher: Packt Publishing

Release Date: July 2017

ISBN: 9781787286832



Design and Implement a New C# Language Feature

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Designing syntax and grammar for a new C# language feature
  • Implementing parser support for a new C# language feature
  • Implementing binding/semantic analysis support for a new C# language feature
  • Implementing lowering/code generation support for a new C# language feature
  • Writing unit tests for C# parsing, binding, and codegen phases


Design and Implement a New C# Language Feature

    1. New language feature: Switch Operator (?::)
    1. Getting Started
    2. How to do it...
    3. How it works...
    1. Getting Started
    2. How to do it...
    3. How it works...
    1. Getting Started
    2. How to do it...
    3. How it works...
    4. There's more...
    1. Getting Started
    2. How to do it...
    3. How it works...
    1. Getting Started
    2. How to do it...