144. Binary Tree Preorder Traversal 先序遍历二叉树

Given a binary tree, return the preorder traversal of its nodes' values.

For example:
Given binary tree [1,null,2,3],


return [1,2,3].

Note: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?

  1. # Definition for a binary tree node.
  2. # class TreeNode:
  3. # def __init__(self, x):
  4. # self.val = x
  5. # self.left = None
  6. # self.right = None
  7. class Solution:
  8. def preorderTraversal(self, root):
  9. """
  10. :type root: TreeNode
  11. :rtype: List[int]
  12. """
  13. res = []
  14. stack = [root]
  15. while stack and stack[0]:
  16. node = stack.pop()
  17. res.append(node.val)
  18. if node.right:
  19. stack.append(node.right)
  20. if node.left:
  21. stack.append(node.left)
  22. return res
