ceg template of asp

' 类名:C@objectname
' Memo:
' Write: www.yuanyue.cn / tom @date @time
class C@objectname
 {public @fieldname   '@fieldmemo}
end class

'conn 数据库连接
'site 站点
'return C@objectname对象的数组
'备注: 如果没有数据,对返回值执行typeof运算的结果就不是array
public function read@objectnameList(conn,site)
 dim result
 dim rs : set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") 
 rs.open "select * from @objectname where Site='" & replace(site,"'","''") & "'",conn,1,3
 if not rs.eof then
  redim result(rs.recordcount-1)
  dim i
  do while not rs.eof
   dim item : set item = new C@objectname
   {item.@fieldname = rs("@fieldname")}
   set result(i) = item
   i = i + 1   
 end if
 set rs = nothing
       read@objectnameList = result
end function

public Function read@objectname(conn,id)
 dim result
 dim rs : set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset") 
 rs.open "select * from @objectname where id=" & id,conn,1,3
 if not rs.eof then
  set result= new C@objectname
  {result.@fieldname = rs("@fieldname")}
 end if
 set rs = nothing
       set read@objectname= result
end function

'conn 数据库连接
'site 站点
'selected 选中的内容
'注: 输出形如: <option value=id>text</option>
public sub show@objectnameOptions(conn,site,selected)
 dim list : list = read@objectnameList(conn,site)
 if isarray(list) then
  dim i
  dim item
  if len(selected) > 0 then
   dim find : find = false
   for i = 0 to ubound(list)
    set item = list (i)
    if (not find) and trim(item.id) = selected then
     find = true
     response.Write "<option value='" & item.id & "' selected>" & item.name & "</option>"
     response.Write "<option value='" & item.id & "'>" & item.name & "</option>"
    end if
   for i = 0 to ubound(list)
    set item = list(i)
    response.Write "<option value=" & item.id & ">" & item.name & "</option>"

  end if
 end if
end sub
public sub Create@objectname(conn,object)
 dim rs : set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
 rs.open "select * from @objectname where 1=0",conn,1,3
 call init@objectnameRecord(object, rs) 
 'object.ID = rs("ID")  '取得自动编号
 set rs = nothing
end sub
public sub Update@objectname(conn,object)
 dim rs : set rs = server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
 rs.open "select * from @objectname where ID=" & object.ID,conn,1,3
 call init@objectnameRecord(object, rs) 
 set rs = nothing
end sub
'conn 数据库连接
'idArray 编号数组
public sub Delete@objectname(conn,idArray)
 dim idstr : idstr = ""
 if not isArray(idarray) then exit sub
 idstr = join(idArray,",")
 dim sql : sql = "delete from @objectname where ID in(" & idstr & ")" 
 conn.execute sql 
end sub
public sub init@objectnameRecord(object,rs)
 { rs("@fieldname") = object.@fieldname }
end sub
public sub init@objectnameObject(object,rs)
 {object.@fieldname = rs("@fieldname")}
end sub

public sub init@objectnameFromRequest(object)
 {object.@fieldname = request.form("@fieldname")}
end sub
