opscenter dashboard排错


opscenter 5.2
centOS 6.6
cassandra 2.0.x




之后查看datastax agent的LOG日志发现

WARN [Thread-10] .... operations dropped so far.
WARN [Thread-10] .... Cassandra operation queue is full, discarding cassandra operation

Error when proccessing cassandra callcom.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: / (com.datastax.driver.core.TransportException: [/] Connection has been closed))

ERROR [Reconnection-0] 2015-08-05 16:06:39,841 Unknown error during reconnection to /, scheduling retry in 8000 milliseconds

初步认定是cassandra request过多导致



stomp_interface: opscenterIP
use_ssl: 0
async_pool_size: 200
thrift_max_cons: 200
async_queue_size: 20000
hosts: 集群ip,格式为["host1","host2"]
local_interface: localhost
cassandra_conf: /xxx/apache-cassandra-2.0.15/conf/cassandra.yaml


batch_size = 10000
push_interval = 10


thrift_max_conns - the max number of concurrent connections to make to the local node

asysnc_pool_size - the size of the threadpool pulling from a queue of inserts and inserting in to cassandra

async_queue_size - the size of the queue of inserts to send to cassandra, if the queue fills up additional operations will be dropped

batch_size - The number of request updates OpsCenter will push out at once. The default value is 100. This is used to avoid overloading the browser.

push_interval - How often OpsCenter will push out updates to requests. The default value is 3 seconds. This is used to avoid overloading the browser


