
   call function 'SEO_CLASS_TYPEINFO_GET'
      * - get attributes
          call function 'SEO_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ALL'
             * get all attribute originals from db(seocompo/seoo_cmptype_attribute)
             * fetch attribute definitions(seocompodf)
             * fetch texts(seocompotx)
                * care of attributes without description in modification language
                * if not found logon language,return DE language
          *extract aliases from attributes
      *-Get  Method
          call function 'SEO_METHOD_READ_ALL'
             * get all method originals from db(seocompo/seoo_cmptype_method)
             * fetch method definitions(seocompodf)
             * fetch texts(seocompotx)
                * care of method without description in modification language
                * if not found logon language,return DE language
          *extract aliases from methods
      *- Get Events
          call function 'SEO_EVENT_READ_ALL'
             * get all attribute originals from db(seocompo/seoo_cmptype_event)
             * fetch event definitions(seocompodf)
             * fetch texts(seocompotx)
                * care of event without description in modification language
                * if not found logon language,return DE language
          *extract aliases from event
      *- Get Events
          call function 'SEO_EVENT_READ_ALL'
             * get all attribute originals from db(seocompo/seoo_cmptype_event)
             * fetch event definitions(seocompodf)
             * fetch texts(seocompotx)
                * care of event without description in modification language
                * if not found logon language,return DE language
          *extract aliases from event
      *- Get event and method's subcomponents
      *- Get Types
          call function 'SEO_TYPE_READ_ALL'
             * get all type originals from db(seocompo/seoo_cmptype_type)
             * fetch type definitions(seocompodf)
             * fetch texts(seocompotx)
                * care of event without description in modification language
                * if not found logon language,return DE language
      *- Get parent class
          call function 'SEO_INHERITANC_READ'
             * get inheritance(iseometarel/seor_reltype_inheritance)
             * fetch redefinitions(seoredef)
      *- Get interface implementations
          call function 'SEO_IMPLEMENTG_READ_ALL'
             * get implementings(iseometarel/seor_reltype_implementing)
             * fetch implementing detail(seoredef)
      *- Get typegroup usages
          call function 'SEO_TYPEPUSAGE_READ_ALL'
             * get typegroup usages(seotypepls/seot_tputype_typepusage 0)
      *- Get class deferreds
          call function 'SEO_CLSDEFERRD_READ_ALL'
             * get implementings(seotypepls/seot_tputype_classdeferred 1)
      *- Get interface deferreds
          call function 'SEO_INTDEFERRD_READ_ALL'
             * get implementings(seotypepls/seot_tputype_interfacedeferred 2)
      * explore inheritance if requested
      * explore interfaces if requested
             call function 'SEO_INTERFACE_TYPEINFO_GET'

   call method explore_relations
   *Get Superclass and all implement interfaces's attribute(attribute,Method,event,types,implement.alias....)
        * inherited components
         call function 'SEO_CLASS_RESOLVE_INHERITANCE'
              call function 'SEO_CLASS_INHERITANCE_PATH_GET'
                  call function 'SEO_CLASS_TYPEINFO_GET'
                 delete atts where exposure = seoc_exposure_private.
                 delete mets where exposure = seoc_exposure_private.
                 delete mets where cmpname = seok_mtdname_constructor.
                 delete mets where cmpname = seok_mtdname_class_constructor.
                 delete mets where cmpname = seok_mtdname_destructor.
                 delete eves where exposure = seoc_exposure_private.
                 delete typs where exposure = seoc_exposure_private.
                 delete alis where exposure = seoc_exposure_private.
                 insert lines of:
                         atts into attributes    index 1,
                         mets into methods       index 1,
                         eves into events        index 1,
                         typs into types         index 1,
                         imps into implementings index 1,
                         alis into aliases       index 1.

        * implemented interfaces
         call function 'SEO_CLASS_RESOLVE_IMPLEMENTGS'
             call function 'SEO_CLASS_TYPEINFO_GET'
                     clskey        = clskey
                     version       = version
                     state         = state
                     implementings = implems.
              loop implems.
                 call function 'SEO_INTERFACE_TYPEINFO_GET'
                 insert lines of:
                        atts into attributes index 1,
                        mets into methods    index 1,
                        eves into events     index 1,
                        alis into aliases    index 1,
                        pars into parameters index 1,
                        excs into exceps index 1.

