How to Persist With Your Goals When the Going Gets Tough 编程爱好者

Perhaps you are 80% of the way to reaching your goals when things suddenly get tough. Why is this happening? Some say it is to test whether you really want your goal.

Those who really want to achieve their goal will not let anything stop them. Even in the final hour they are determined to do anything and everything it takes to get there.

While this may be motivating for some, for others it can be discouraging.

Others may be put off and angry with these roadblocks that have seemingly appeared out of nowhere. They may get disheartened and give up.

Too many of us give up at this point. Just as the sun rises after its darkest point - so too can many of our goals come to fruition if we would just hang in there that little bit longer.

Many of us don't realize how close we are. Often it is difficult because you may not know how close you are to your goal. There may be other factors that you cannot predict that you are waiting on.

The next time you are feeling frustrated with many set-backs that have come out of the blue - take this as a sign that you are nearly there! And that your goal is going to become a reality very soon.

Then you will change your attitude towards facing these tough things. You'll feel lighter and happier that the end is near. Now you can calmly work through everything that needs addressing.

And before you know it your goal will be complete!
