KbmMW 4.30.00 发布

   今天早上,KbmMW发布了4.30.00 版,这个版本开始支持XE4 的WIN/WIN64/OSX.

暂时不支持ios开发,同时加强了通过JSON 的对象序列化。还有就是解决了我提交的几个有关



 We are happy to announce the availability of a new kbmMW release!

This release adds support for Delphi XE4 Win32/Win64/OSX. In addition it includes a new JSON object marshaling framework which allows you to easily marshal Delphi objects to and from JSON.
The release also includes numerous fixes and other enhancements.
Please check the log further down in this post!

The new object marshalling features supports automatic serialization and deserialization of complex objects, which may contain other objects, lists, arrays, records and more. It also contains object validation functionality, to test for the validity of data in an object before its serialized, and during/after its being deserialized.

This release require kbmMemTable v. 7.30.00.

 4.30.00 June 30 2013

        New stuff
        - Added support for Delphi XE4 Win32/Win64/OSX.
        - Added function AttributeValueByIndex(const
            and function IndexOfAttributeName(const
            AName:string):integer; to TkbmMWDOMXMLNode.
        - Added support for optionally throwing exception upon busy in
            SQLite database adapter.
            MaxBusyWait specifies how long time max to wait to get
            access to the database resource (default 10000 = 10secs).
        - Added JSON Object marshal features similar to the XML ones
            already avaialble in earlier release.
            TkbmMWJSONMarshal also supports streaming properties
            containing custom objects like kbmMemTable based datasets.
        - Added AsVariant property and GetAsVariantType function to
        - Added DontStreamNullProperties to TkbmMWJSONStreamer to
            control if null values are streamed or not.
        - Added support for (and requires) kbmMemTable v. 7.30 which
            introduced support of more than 255 fields.
        - Added generic TkbmMWSortedList<T> for LEVEL16+ compilers.
        - Added status functions IsStarted and IsPaused to
        - Added procedure Add(const AList:TkbmMWVariantList to
        - Made multiple improvements to TkbmMWCustomRTTIMarshal,
            including new property ForceBinaryDatasets:boolean
            which allows the developer to specify if a dataset should
            be streamed in native binary format and marshalled as a
            blob/stream, or if datasets should be marshalled normally
            as for example plain XML depending
            on the descendant of TkbmMWCustomRTTIMarshal (default).

        - Fixed charset support in AJAX transport streamformat.
        - Fixed issues in UniDAC database adapter.
        - Fixed issues in IBDAC database adapter.
        - Fixed handling null in DateTime/Time/Date fields in SQLite.
        - Fixed TkbmMWHTTPCookie to automatically encode and decode
            cookie and query names.
        - Fixed important bug in kbmMWGetTempDirectory which would lead
            to spurious A/V other places if used.

    Changes/minor additions
        - Improved handling floating point values from SQLite.
        - Improved TkbmMWLookupStorage to allow for creating descendant
            classes with additional indexing variants.
            In addition added Repair, Verify and Clear methods.
        - Enhanced JSON dataset stream format with more dataset node
            naming features and additional stream flags.
        - Enhanced TkbmMWHTTPTransportStreamHelper to support jQuery's
            AJAX request with JSON object arguments format.
        - Enhanced TkbmMWSortedList in kbmMWGlobal.pas to support
        - Improved unicode support in kbmMWXMLDecode.
        - Improved unicode support in kbmMWEncodeEscapes and

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