opecv2 MeanShift 使用均值漂移算法查找物体

#if !defined OFINDER
#define OFINDER

#include <opencv2corecore.hpp>
#include <opencv2imgprocimgproc.hpp>

class ContentFinder {


	float hranges[2];
    const float* ranges[3];
    int channels[3];

	float threshold;
	cv::MatND histogram;
	cv::SparseMat shistogram;
	bool isSparse;


	ContentFinder() : threshold(0.1f), isSparse(false) {

		ranges[0]= hranges; // all channels have the same range 
		ranges[1]= hranges; 
		ranges[2]= hranges; 
	// Sets the threshold on histogram values [0,1]
	void setThreshold(float t) {

		threshold= t;

	// Gets the threshold
	float getThreshold() {

		return threshold;

	// Sets the reference histogram
	void setHistogram(const cv::MatND& h) {

		isSparse= false;
		histogram= h;

	// Sets the reference histogram
	void setHistogram(const cv::SparseMat& h) {

		isSparse= true;
		shistogram= h;

cv::Mat find(const cv::Mat& image) {

		cv::Mat result;

		hranges[0]= 0.0;	// range [0,255]
		hranges[1]= 255.0;
		channels[0]= 0;		// the three channels 
		channels[1]= 1; 
		channels[2]= 2; 

		if (isSparse) { // call the right function based on histogram type

                      1,            // one image
                      channels,     // vector specifying what histogram dimensions belong to what image channels
                      shistogram,   // the histogram we are using
                      result,       // the resulting back projection image
                      ranges,       // the range of values, for each dimension
                      255.0         // the scaling factor is chosen such that a histogram value of 1 maps to 255

		} else {

                      1,            // one image
                      channels,     // vector specifying what histogram dimensions belong to what image channels
                      histogram,    // the histogram we are using
                      result,       // the resulting back projection image
                      ranges,       // the range of values, for each dimension
                      255.0         // the scaling factor is chosen such that a histogram value of 1 maps to 255

        // Threshold back projection to obtain a binary image
		if (threshold>0.0)
			cv::threshold(result, result, 255*threshold, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);

		return result;

cv::Mat find(const cv::Mat& image, float minValue, float maxValue, int *channels, int dim) {

		cv::Mat result;

		hranges[0]= minValue;
		hranges[1]= maxValue;

		for (int i=0; i<dim; i++)
			this->channels[i]= channels[i];

		if (isSparse) { // call the right function based on histogram type

                      1,            // we only use one image at a time
                      channels,     // vector specifying what histogram dimensions belong to what image channels
                      shistogram,   // the histogram we are using
                      result,       // the resulting back projection image
                      ranges,       // the range of values, for each dimension
                      255.0         // the scaling factor is chosen such that a histogram value of 1 maps to 255

		} else {

                      1,            // we only use one image at a time
                      channels,     // vector specifying what histogram dimensions belong to what image channels
                      histogram,    // the histogram we are using
                      result,       // the resulting back projection image
                      ranges,       // the range of values, for each dimension
                      255.0         // the scaling factor is chosen such that a histogram value of 1 maps to 255

        // Threshold back projection to obtain a binary image
		if (threshold>0.0)
			cv::threshold(result, result, 255*threshold, 255, cv::THRESH_BINARY);

		return result;



#if !defined COLHISTOGRAM

#include <opencv2corecore.hpp>
#include <opencv2imgprocimgproc.hpp>
class ColorHistogram {


    int histSize[3];
	float hranges[2];
    const float* ranges[3];
    int channels[3];


	ColorHistogram() {

		// Prepare arguments for a color histogram
		histSize[0]= histSize[1]= histSize[2]= 256;
		hranges[0]= 0.0;    // BRG range
		hranges[1]= 255.0;
		ranges[0]= hranges; // all channels have the same range 
		ranges[1]= hranges; 
		ranges[2]= hranges; 
		channels[0]= 0;		// the three channels 
		channels[1]= 1; 
		channels[2]= 2; 

	// Computes the histogram.
	cv::MatND getHistogram(const cv::Mat &image) {

		cv::MatND hist;

		// BGR color histogram
		hranges[0]= 0.0;    // BRG range
		hranges[1]= 255.0;
		channels[0]= 0;		// the three channels 
		channels[1]= 1; 
		channels[2]= 2; 

		// Compute histogram
			1,			// histogram of 1 image only
			channels,	// the channel used
			cv::Mat(),	// no mask is used
			hist,		// the resulting histogram
			3,			// it is a 3D histogram
			histSize,	// number of bins
			ranges		// pixel value range

		return hist;

	// Computes the 1D Hue histogram with a mask.
	// BGR source image is converted to HSV
	cv::MatND getHueHistogram(const cv::Mat &image) {

		cv::MatND hist;

		// Convert to Lab color space
		cv::Mat hue;
		cv::cvtColor(image, hue, CV_BGR2HSV);

		// Prepare arguments for a 1D hue histogram
		hranges[0]= 0.0;
		hranges[1]= 180.0;
		channels[0]= 0; // the hue channel 

		// Compute histogram
			1,			// histogram of 1 image only
			channels,	// the channel used
			cv::Mat(),	// no mask is used
			hist,		// the resulting histogram
			1,			// it is a 1D histogram
			histSize,	// number of bins
			ranges		// pixel value range

		return hist;

cv::MatND getHueHistogram(const cv::Mat &image,int minSaturation)
		cv::MatND hist;
		cv::Mat hsv;
		cv::Mat mask;
		return hist;




using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main()
	Mat image=imread("d:/test/opencv/baboon1.jpg");
	Mat imageROI=image(Rect(110,260,35,40));
	int minSat=65;
	ColorHistogram hc;
	MatND colorhist=hc.getHueHistogram(imageROI,minSat);

	namedWindow("image 1");
	imshow("image 1",image);

	ContentFinder finder;
	Mat hsv;
	namedWindow("image 2");
	imshow("image 2",image);
	int channel[1]={0};
	Mat result=finder.find(hsv,0.0f,180.0f,channel,1);

	cv::namedWindow("Result Hue");
	cv::imshow("Result Hue",result);

	cv::namedWindow("Result Hue and");
	cv::imshow("Result Hue and",result);

	result= finder.find(hsv,0.0f,180.0f,channel,1);
	cv::namedWindow("Result Hue and raw");
	cv::imshow("Result Hue and raw",result);

	cv::Rect rect(110,260,35,40);
	cv::rectangle(image, rect, cv::Scalar(0,0,255));

	cv::TermCriteria criteria(cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER,10,0.01);
	cout << "meanshift= " << cv::meanShift(result,rect,criteria) << endl;//

	cv::rectangle(image, rect, cv::Scalar(0,255,0));//

	// Display image
	cv::namedWindow("Image 2 result");
	cv::imshow("Image 2 result",image);

	return 0;


