The DBMS that DB Query Analyzer users often access nearly covers all kinds of DBMS

        DB Query Analyzer is presented by Master Gen feng, Ma from Chinese Mainland. It has English version and Simplified Chinese version. This system provides the unification interface to access those RDBMS Productions. User can not only access, manage and maintenance Database or MS EXCEL Files conveniently, but also can have a good know of DD according to Every Database.

The latest version 4.03 is more perfect than the former version as BUG that been found are solved and the flow of install program is better designed and realized.

From version 3.01, it becomes free. You can trial for ever. If you want to register, you can get the register code just after sent me some information such as ‘which isThe DBMS you usually use’,While using DB Query Analyzer, the most convenient is’, and so on.

As a result, the download amount becomes bigger than before. More and more users get the register code.

Here is the feedback of the survey supplied by register uses.


which isThe DBMS you usually use

While using DB Query Analyzer, the most convenient is


Data Query is very Convenient and intuitive


Easy to use


Easy to use


Smart and Convenient


MDI Form with enough menu, not a console interface, easy to use

SQL Server 2008/2000

Data Query and data transform/export are very Convenient


Easy to get the dictionary of SYBASE DB, easy to use


Easy to use, much Convenient


Data Query is very Convenient and intuitive

Microsoft Access

Data Query is very Convenient and intuitive


Much useful to SQL design


powerful to access all RDBMS product






Appendix 1 Achievement of DB Query Analyzer  


Now DB Query AnalyzerSimplified Chinese version is the top 50 database application software in the famous software website .


In most case it lies the top 20 and it has been download more than92,000 times.


  It had been special recommended in new products and Tools in second period in 2007 of programmer magazine.

       By April 17st, 2013, you’ll get 3.18 million results if you search ‘万能数据库查询分析器’ in


       By April 17st, 2013, you’ll get 1.04 million results if you search ‘DB 查询分析器’ in and you’ll get 0.16 million results if you search ‘DB Query Analyzer’ in


 By April 17st, 2013, you’ll get 1.04 million results if you search ‘DB查询分析器’ in and you’ll get 0.44 million results if you search ‘DB Query Analyzer’ in




Appendix2  Function that will be realized of DB Query Analyzer in future


The future version 5.01 of DB Query Analyzer will has a useful function. It will show all the state of the SQL statements in all windows by an icon according to the item in menu windows. If you have ever use the query analyzer of MS SQL Server, you will be familiar with it.


Version 5.01 of DB Query Analyzer is in code design. It will be completed in the end of May and distributed in early June. Expect your attention.  





Appendix3  the fervent wish of Master Genfeng Ma, the developer of DB Query Analyzer


   I hope more and more users enjoy the easy, convenient and intuitive access to all kinds of RDBMS Productions with the unification interface and powerful function of DB Query Analyzer. I hope your work become much funnier and full of happiness.


  This is the fervent wish of Master Genfeng Ma, the developer of DB Query Analyzer.





DB Query Analyzer 5.03 download URL:


DB Query Analyzer Simplified Chinese version 5.03  download URL:
