C# Convert an enum to other type of enum

Sometimes, if we want to do convert between two enums, firstly, we may think about one way:

var myGender = (MyGender)(int)TheirGender.TheirMale;

Obviously, it's dangerous, if the int value of TheirMale in TheirGender doesn't match corresponding MyGender, it will fail to convert.

So, the solution may be to use switch case, one elegent method is to written as extensions.

We can simply use like  theirGender.ToMyGender()  to invoke.

Here is the solution:

public static class TheirGenderExtensions
    public static MyGender ToMyGender(this TheirGender value)
        // insert switch statement here

public static class MyGenderExtensions
    public static TheirGender ToTheirGender(this MyGender value)
        // insert switch statement here


ref: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1818131/convert-an-enum-to-another-type-of-enum
