SpaceVim 发布 v0.8.0

This project exists thanks to all the people who have contributed. The last release v0.7.0 is targeted
on March 18, 2018, so let's take a look at what happened in the new release v0.8.0.

v0.8.0 welcome page

New features

In the old version of SpaceVim, we use vim file as configuration file. But this introduces a lot of problems.
please check our faq for why use toml file as default configuration file.

  • Add async support for gitcommit #1623

when edit commit message, complete the PR and ISSUE list from GitHub asynchronously.

complete in git commit

  • Split dein UI as plugin #1682

Dein is a awesome plugin manager for neovim and vim8, but it does not provide a
UI, If you need vim-plug like install UI, you can use dein-ui.vim.


  • Add buffer directory searching #1632
  • Add asyncomplete-clang #1671
  • add SPC x a | to align region at | #1766
  • Add auto fix feature to typescript #1706
  • Add compatible API for matchaddpos #1681
  • Add autofix feature for php with phpcbf #1652
  • Add more key bingindings #1811
  • Glyph free theme #1784

New layers


  • Change filetype assert #1655
  • Imporve max_column options #1744
  • Improve system api #1780
  • Improve tags layer #1761
  • Update Go layer to reflect vim-go var name change #1719
  • Set encoding #1708
  • Enable nocompatible for vim #1690
  • Improve vimcompatible mode #1665
  • Prefer local phpmd.xml #1656
  • Only Reload when the filetype is javascript #1653
  • Remove vim-javascript due to conflicts in flow-type and in jsx #1637
  • Use stdin instead when format java file. #1634
  • Improve buffer switch key bindings #1673
  • Use bash for #1613
  • Change lang#c layer plugins #1619

Bug fixs

  • Fix error unknown option guifont in VimR #1651
  • Fix vimcompatible mode #1667
  • Fix SPConfig #1666
  • Fix key bindings Tab #1711
  • Fix language #1710
  • Fix windows support #1700
  • Fix lint #1699
  • Fix SPC f f key bindings #1698
  • Fix detach script #1684
  • Fix jump mappings #1680
  • Fix flygrep #1678
  • Fix install script #1677
  • Fix phpcd support #1676
  • Fix Asyncomplete support #1670
  • Fix hit-enter when using timers #1722
  • Fix custom config path #1779
  • Fix syntax highlight conflict under flow-typed js #1769
  • Fix flygrep detect script #1757
  • Fix bootstrap function #1741
  • Fix tags layer #1649
  • Fix gitcommit completion script #1624
  • Fix deoplete config #1612
  • Fix debug info #1806
  • Fix denite config #1650
  • Fix UltiSnips support #1078 #1647
  • Fix mru and buffer list key bindings #1620
  • Fix pluginmanager && autocomplete layer #1614
  • Fix detach command #1685
  • Fix loading custom plugin #1743
  • Fix undefined variable for g:_spacevim_config_path #1797
  • Fix rtp type #1787
  • Escape file name #1795

Doc && Wiki

  • Fix grammar mistake #1611
  • Update community #1781
  • Update documentation #1765
  • Manager post tags #1762
  • Doc: improve SpaceVim doc #1758
  • Specify the exact branch for git rebase #1754
  • Type: JaveScript --> JavaScript #1753
  • Update readme && wiki #1740
  • Update lsp doc #1735
  • Wiki: update cn wiki #1752
  • Doc: update colorscheme layer doc #1747
  • Correct rubocop spelling in docs #1715
  • HTML Improvements #1707
  • Update readme #1668
  • Update quick start guide #1659, #1729
  • Correct title in #1645
  • Add toml config documentation #1721
  • Add json example #1625
  • Add doc for formatting on save #1799
  • Add search box to the website #1789
  • Add useage of statusline and tabline #1783
  • Add useage of bootstrap function #1775 #1774
  • Add Ctrl-a to the vim compatibility list #1755
  • Fix typo #1813
  • Fix a typo in cn/ #1812
  • Fix doc about enable/disable guicolors #1785
  • Fix doc for colorscheme_bg && close #1737 #1739
  • Fix keys highlights, add missed #1713
  • Fix layer activation command and typo in Python layer docs #1712
  • Fix typo in documentation #1661