
package com.wrh.lab.dataStructure.stackAndQueue;

* the interface of the SeqStack
@author wrh
@param <E>

public interface Stack<E> {

* push the element to the stack
@param element

public void push(E element);

* pop the element from the stack and
* return the pop element

public E pop();

@return the top value

public E getTop();

@return true for empty and false for not empty

public boolean isEmpty();

* clear the stack

public void clear();

package com.wrh.lab.dataStructure.stackAndQueue;

@author wrh
* the stack node

public class StackNode<E> {
private E element;
private StackNode<E> next;

* constructor

public StackNode() {
element = null;
next = null;

public StackNode(E element, StackNode<E> next) {
this.element = element;
this.next = next;

public E getElement() {
return element;

@param element

public void setElement(E element) {
this.element = element;

public StackNode<E> getNext() {
return next;

public void setNext(StackNode<E> next) {
this.next = next;

package com.wrh.lab.dataStructure.stackAndQueueImpl;

import com.wrh.lab.dataStructure.stackAndQueue.Stack;

public class SeqStackImpl<E> implements Stack<E> {
private static final int defaultSize = 3;
private int size; //max size of the stack
private int top; //index for top object
private E[] listArray; //array hoding stack objects
private static final int MAX_SIZE = 7;

* constructor init a stack for the size defaultSize

public SeqStackImpl() {
size = defaultSize;
top = -1;
listArray = (E[]) new Object[size];

* constructor
* init a stack for the size of size
@param size

public SeqStackImpl(int size) {
if (size < 1 || size > MAX_SIZE) {
System.out.println("the size is not vailable");
} else {
this.size = size;
top = -1;
listArray = (E[]) new Object[size];

public void push(E element) {
if (size < MAX_SIZE && top < size) {
listArray[++top] = element;
} else if (top < MAX_SIZE){
listArray[++top] = element;
} else {
System.out.println("the stack is full! ");

public E pop() {
if (isEmpty()) { //if the stack is empty
System.out.println("the stack is empty");

return null;
} else {

return listArray[top--];


public E getTop() {
return listArray[top];

* resize the list
@param entry

public void resizeList(E[] list) {
int resize = size * 3 / 2 +1;
Object[] seqList_upp = new Object[resize];
this.listArray = (E[]) seqList_upp;

public boolean isEmpty() {
return 0 == top;

public void clear() {
top = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
Stack<Integer> s = new SeqStackImpl<Integer>(5);

