
package com.wrh.lab.dataStructure.linearList;
@author wrh
* the interface of linear list.

public interface LinearList<E> {

* identify whether the list is empty or not
@return true for empty and false for not empty

public boolean isEmpty();

* get the length of the list
@return the length of the list

public int getLength();

* return the element in index
@param index
@return the element in index

public E get(int index);

@param index
@param element
@return the former element

public E set(int index, E element);

* add element after the index
@param index
@param element
@return true for add element success and false for add fail

public boolean add(int index, E element);

* add the element at the end of the list
@param element
@return true for success and false for fail

public boolean addLast(E element);

* remove the element at index and return this element
@param index

public E remove(int index);

* show the elements in the list

public void display();

* clear the list

public void clear();
package com.wrh.lab.dataStructure.linearList.impl;

import com.wrh.lab.dataStructure.linearList.LinearList;

public class LinearListImpl<E> implements LinearList<E> {

private E[] entry; //store the element
private int length; //the length of the linear list
private static final int MAX_SIZE = 50;

// constructor
public LinearListImpl(){}

public LinearListImpl(E[] entry){

this.entry = entry;
this.length = entry.length;

public boolean isEmpty() {
boolean isEmpty = false;
if (length == 0){
isEmpty = true;
} else {
isEmpty = false;
return isEmpty;

public int getLength() {
return this.length;

public E get(int index) {
if (length > index) {
return entry[index];
} else {
return null;

public E set(int index, E element) {
if (length > index) {
E e = entry[index];
entry[index] = element;
return e;
} else {
return null;

public boolean add(int index, E element) {
boolean isSuc = false;
if (length > index && length < MAX_SIZE) {
int newPos = index + 1;
for (int i = length; i > newPos; i--) {
entry[i] = entry[i - 1];
entry[newPos] = element;
length +=1;
isSuc = true;
} else {
isSuc = false;
return isSuc;

public boolean addLast(E element) {
boolean isSuc = false;
if (length < MAX_SIZE) {
entry[length] = element;
length += 1;
isSuc = true;
} else {
isSuc = false;
return isSuc;

public E remove(int index) {
if (length > 0) {
E e = entry[index];
for (int i = index; i < length -1; i ++) {
entry[i] = entry[i + 1];
length -= 1;
return e;
} else {
return null;

public void clear() {
entry = null;
length = 0;

public void display() {
if (length > 0 && length < MAX_SIZE) {
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
System.out.print(entry[i] + " ");
} else {


* resize the list
@param entry

public void resizeList(E[] entry) {
int resize = length + 1;
Object[] seqList_upp = new Object[resize];
this.entry = (E[]) seqList_upp;

//test the list
public static void main(String[] args) {

Integer[] a = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
LinearList<Integer> l = new LinearListImpl<Integer>(a);
l.add(3, 12);

