T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit)实现简单实体代码生成

     在很多场景下,我们都需要代码生成。你可以使用CodeSmith,不过它是商业软件。VisualStudio2008中自带也有代码生成功能。那就是T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit)模板。最近写了个简单Entity模板,直接看内容,连接Northwind database 生成所有Table的Entity:

   1:  <#@ template language="C#" hostspecific="true" #>
   2:  <#@ output extension="cs" #>
   3:  <#@ assembly name="Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo" #>
   4:  <#@ assembly name="Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo" #>
   5:  <#@ assembly name="Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Sdk.Sfc" #>
   6:  <#@ import namespace="Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo" #>
   7:  <#
   8:      // Config variables
   9:      string serverName = "USER\\SQLEXPRESS2008";
  10:      string dbName = "NORTHWND";
  11:  #>
  12:  using System;
  14:  /// Right click .tt file "Run Custom Tool" to update partial model.
  15:  /// Author Petter Liu  http://wintersun.cnblogs.com
  16:  namespace MyApp.CommonEntity
  17:  {
  18:  <#  
  19:      // Iterate over tables and generate procs
  20:      Server server = new Server(new Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common.ServerConnection(serverName, "sa", "sa"));
  21:      Database database = new Database(server, dbName);
  22:      database.Refresh(); 
  24:      foreach (Table table in database.Tables)
  25:      {
  26:   #>
  27:       /// <summary>
  28:       /// <#= table.Name #> Entity
  29:       /// </summary>
  30:       public partial class <#= table.Name #>  
  31:       {
  32:   <#     
  33:          table.Refresh();
  34:          string columnCsharptype="";
  35:          string dbtypeStr="";
  36:          foreach (Column column in table.Columns)
  37:          {
  38:            dbtypeStr=column.DataType.ToString();
  39:            if (dbtypeStr=="nvarchar" || dbtypeStr=="nchar")
  40:               columnCsharptype="string"; 
  41:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="ntext")
  42:               columnCsharptype="string"; 
  43:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="varchar")
  44:               columnCsharptype="string";
  45:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="char")
  46:               columnCsharptype="string"; 
  47:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="text")
  48:               columnCsharptype="string"; 
  49:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="smallint")
  50:               columnCsharptype="Int16";   
  51:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="datetime")
  52:               columnCsharptype="DateTime"; 
  53:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="money")
  54:               columnCsharptype="decimal";   
  55:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="bit")
  56:               columnCsharptype="bool";
  57:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="image")
  58:               columnCsharptype="byte";
  59:            else  if (column.DataType.ToString()=="real")
  60:               columnCsharptype="single";  
  61:            else
  62:               columnCsharptype=column.DataType.ToString(); 
  63:  #>
  64:           /// <summary>
  65:           /// Gets or sets the <#=column.Name#>
  66:           /// </summary>
  67:           /// <value>The <#=column.Name.ToLower()#></value>
  68:           public <#=columnCsharptype #>  <#=column.Name#>  {get;set;}
  70:   <#
  71:          }
  72:  #>
  73:      }
  75:  <#
  76:      }
  77:  #>
  78:  }

你可以把它另存为扩展名为.tt的文件,我起名叫CommonEntity.tt。 然后在VisualStudio2008中选中它点击右键执行Run Custom Tool,就自动生成这样的代码:

   1:  using System;
   3:  /// Right click .tt file "Run Custom Tool" to update partial model.
   4:  /// Author Petter Liu  http://wintersun.cnblogs.com
   5:  namespace MyApp.CommonEntity
   6:  {
   7:       /// <summary>
   8:       /// Categories Entity
   9:       /// </summary>
  10:       public partial class Categories  
  11:       {
  12:            /// <summary>
  13:           /// Gets or sets the CategoryID
  14:           /// </summary>
  15:           /// <value>The categoryid</value>
  16:           public int  CategoryID  {get;set;}
  18:            /// <summary>
  19:           /// Gets or sets the CategoryName
  20:           /// </summary>
  21:           /// <value>The categoryname</value>
  22:           public string  CategoryName  {get;set;}
  24:            /// <summary>
  25:           /// Gets or sets the Description
  26:           /// </summary>
  27:           /// <value>The description</value>
  28:           public string  Description  {get;set;}
  30:            /// <summary>
  31:           /// Gets or sets the Picture
  32:           /// </summary>
  33:           /// <value>The picture</value>
  34:           public byte  Picture  {get;set;}
  36:       }

这是最简约的Entity code了,实际你可扩展你所需要的模板。关于T4模板,网上有些资料可以参考:

T4 (Text Template Transformation Toolkit) Code Generation - Best Kept Visual Studio Secret


  • Creating your first code generator
  • Troubleshooting code generation errors
  • Debugging code generation files
  • Creating reusable code generation templates
  • Creating complex code generators
  • Reusing code generators on multiple projects
  • 希望这篇Post对您有帮助。

    Author:Petter Liu    http://wintersun.cnblogs.com
