Property System in WPF

DependencyObject :The base class for all objects that have dependency properties. This class must be inherited. [ Represents an object that participates in the dependency property system.]

DependencyObject services and characteristics include the following:

  • Dependency property hosting support.
  • Attached property hosting support.
  • Get, set, and clear utility methods for values of any dependency properties that exist on the DependencyObject.
  • Metadata, coerce value support, property changed notification, and override callbacks for dependency properties or attached properties. Also, the DependencyObject class facilitates the per-owner property metadata for a dependency property.
DependencyProperty:Represents a dependency property that is registered with the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) property system. Dependency properties provide support for value expressions, property invalidation and dependent-value coercion, default values, inheritance, data binding, animation, property change notification, and styling.