Ubuntu Terminal Shortcut

Not all of the shortcuts are useful.Only remeber the most useful.

Ctrl + a  - Jump to the start of the line  //跳到行首
Ctrl + e  - Jump to the end of the line    //跳到行尾
Alt  + b  - Move backward                  //向前移动(一个单词)
Alt  + f  - Move forward                   //向后移动(一个单词)


ctrl+shift+C copy

ctrl+shif+V paste

ctrl+; show the pasteboard

Ctrl + u  - Delete backward from cursor     //删除操作(光标到行首)
Ctrl + k  - Delete to EOL                   //删除操作(光标到行尾)
Ctrl + w  - Delete word                     //删除操作(光标到字首)
Ctrl + y  - Yank/Paste                      //粘贴操作

Ctrl+l /clear     清屏
Ctrl+h          删除光标前一个字符
Ctrl+d          删除光标后一个字符
