jstart, J2EE Server, RED, No valid license found

今天新安装了PO SCS后,导致原有的license失效

po-qas-ap02:poqadm 54> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

20.03.2020 18:45:24
name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid
jstart, J2EE Server, RED, No valid license found, 2020 03 20 18:03:03, 0:42:21, 16878
igswd_mt, IGS Watchdog, GREEN, Running, 2020 03 20 18:03:03, 0:42:21, 16879







找note 1898782 - AS Java restart itself due to invalid license and is not possible to access the NWA to add a valid license

    1. Use the Config Tool (if you cannot use the Config Tool use the telnet as showed at SAP Note 1772749) to check if the trace severity of all services are in ERROR level. Traces set to INFO or DEBUG making a extra work to system write information in the filesystem:
      1. At Template level
        - Open the Config Tool
        - Select Template -> Log Configuration -> Categories -> Root Category
        - Change the severity to ERROR, click on add button and add all destinations
        - Save new configuration settings
        - Under Template -> Log Configuration, select Locations -> Root Locations
        - Change the severity to ERROR, click on add button and add all destinations.
        - Save new configuration settings;
      2. At Instance level:
        - Open the Config Tool
        - Select Template -> Instance - IDXXXX -> Log Configuration -> Categories -> Root Category 
        - Change the severity to ERROR, click on add button and add all destinations
        - Save new configuration settings
        - Under Template -> Instance - IDXXXX -> Log Configuration, select Locations -> Root Locations
        - Change the severity to ERROR, click on add button and add all destinations.
        - Save new configuration settings;
        - Restart the system and try to add the new license.

重启后生效。 Bingo!!!

