Cocoa -- 添加和移除开机启动项

 plist~/Library/LaunchAgents/ 目录下

    // 配置开机默认启动  
        NSString* launchFolder = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Library/LaunchAgents",NSHomeDirectory()];  
        NSString * boundleID = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:(NSString *)kCFBundleIdentifierKey];   
        NSString* dstLaunchPath = [launchFolder stringByAppendingFormat:@"/%@.plist",boundleID];  
        NSFileManager* fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];  
        BOOL isDir = NO;  
        if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:dstLaunchPath isDirectory:&isDir] && !isDir) {  
        NSMutableDictionary* dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];  
        NSMutableArray* arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];  
        [arr addObject:[[NSBundle mainBundle] executablePath]];  
        [arr addObject:@"-runMode"];  
        [arr addObject:@"autoLaunched"];  
        [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithBool:true] forKey:@"RunAtLoad"];  
        [dict setObject:boundleID forKey:@"Label"];  
        [dict setObject:arr forKey:@"ProgramArguments"];  
        isDir = NO;  
        if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:launchFolder isDirectory:&isDir] && isDir) {  
            [fm createDirectoryAtPath:launchFolder withIntermediateDirectories:NO attributes:nil error:nil];  
        [dict writeToFile:dstLaunchPath atomically:NO];  
        [arr release];  arr = nil;  
        [dict release]; dict = nil;  

关于启动项的配置可以去开发文档搜索:Creating launchd Daemons and Agents

取消开机启动则只要删除~/Library/LaunchAgents/ 目录下相应的plist文件即可。

    // 取消配置开机默认启动  
        NSString* launchFolder = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Library/LaunchAgents",NSHomeDirectory()];  
        BOOL isDir = NO;  
        NSFileManager* fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];  
        if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:launchFolder isDirectory:&isDir] && isDir) {  
        NSString * boundleID = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:(NSString *)kCFBundleIdentifierKey];   
        NSString* srcLaunchPath = [launchFolder stringByAppendingFormat:@"/%@.plist",boundleID];  
        [fm removeItemAtPath:srcLaunchPath error:nil];  


在开发文档中搜索LoginItemsAE即可搜到它的源码,包含LoginItemsAE.cLoginItemsAE.h两个文件。其原理是写配置信息到~/Library/Preferences/ 文件。打开文件找到CustomListItems那一项,展开就可以看到开机启动项的一些信息(包括app名称,所在路径。。。)

图 开机启动项内容

下面简单介绍下LoginItemsAE.h 中的几个API

    extern OSStatus LIAECopyLoginItems(CFArrayRef *itemsPtr);  
//添加开机启动项,hideIt参数一般是传 NO  
extern OSStatus LIAEAddURLAtEnd(CFURLRef item,     Boolean hideIt);
    extern OSStatus LIAERemove(CFIndex itemIndex);  


    #import "UKLoginItemRegistry.h"  
    @implementation UKLoginItemRegistry  
    +(NSArray*) allLoginItems  
        NSArray*    itemsList = nil;  
        OSStatus    err = LIAECopyLoginItems( (CFArrayRef*) &itemsList );   // Take advantage of toll-free bridging.  
        if( err != noErr )  
            NSLog(@"Couldn't list login items error %ld", err);  
            return nil;  
        return [itemsList autorelease];  
    +(BOOL)     addLoginItemWithPath: (NSString*)path hideIt: (BOOL)hide  
        NSURL*  url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: path];  
        return [self addLoginItemWithURL: url hideIt: hide];  
    +(BOOL)     removeLoginItemWithPath: (NSString*)path  
        int     idx = [self indexForLoginItemWithPath: path];  
        return (idx != -1) && [self removeLoginItemAtIndex: idx];   // Found item? Remove it and return success flag. Else return NO.  
    +(BOOL)     addLoginItemWithURL: (NSURL*)url hideIt: (BOOL)hide         // Main bottleneck for adding a login item.  
        OSStatus err = LIAEAddURLAtEnd( (CFURLRef) url, hide ); // CFURLRef is toll-free bridged to NSURL.  
        if( err != noErr )  
            NSLog(@"Couldn't add login item error %ld", err);  
        return( err == noErr );  
    +(BOOL)     removeLoginItemAtIndex: (int)idx            // Main bottleneck for getting rid of a login item.  
        OSStatus err = LIAERemove( idx );  
        if( err != noErr )  
            NSLog(@"Couldn't remove login intem error %ld", err);  
        return( err == noErr );  
    +(int)      indexForLoginItemWithURL: (NSURL*)url       // Main bottleneck for finding a login item in the list.  
        NSArray*        loginItems = [self allLoginItems];  
        NSEnumerator*   enny = [loginItems objectEnumerator];  
        NSDictionary*   currLoginItem = nil;  
        int             x = 0;  
        while(( currLoginItem = [enny nextObject] ))  
            if( [[currLoginItem objectForKey: UKLoginItemURL] isEqualTo: url] )  
                return x;  
        return -1;  
    +(int)      indexForLoginItemWithPath: (NSString*)path  
        NSURL*  url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: path];  
        return [self indexForLoginItemWithURL: url];  
    +(BOOL)     removeLoginItemWithURL: (NSURL*)url  
        int     idx = [self indexForLoginItemWithURL: url];  
        return (idx != -1) && [self removeLoginItemAtIndex: idx];   // Found item? Remove it and return success flag. Else return NO.  



. 使用LaunchServices修改启动项

可以使用LaunchServices/LSSharedFileList.h 里面的方法来更改启动项,但是这些方法只支持10.5及以上的系统。下面简单的介绍下这些方法。

    extern LSSharedFileListRef  
                           CFAllocatorRef   inAllocator,  
                           CFStringRef      inListType,  
                           CFTypeRef        listOptions)  
    extern LSSharedFileListItemRef LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(  
                                  LSSharedFileListRef       inList,  
                                  LSSharedFileListItemRef   insertAfterThisItem,  
                                  CFStringRef               inDisplayName,  
                                  IconRef                   inIconRef,  
                                  CFURLRef                  inURL,  
                                  CFDictionaryRef           inPropertiesToSet,  
                                  CFArrayRef                inPropertiesToClear)  
extern OSStatus LSSharedFileListItemRemove(  
                           LSSharedFileListRef       inList,  
                           LSSharedFileListItemRef   inItem) 
    //最后一个方法用来解析启动项的 URL,用来检索启动项列表里的东西  
    extern OSStatus LSSharedFileListItemResolve(  
                                LSSharedFileListItemRef   inItem,  
                                UInt32                    inFlags,  
                                CFURLRef *                outURL,  
                                FSRef *                   outRef)  

使用下面两个方法来封装上面的这些API,使更易于使用。你也可以改成传入app路径添加启动项。- (void) addAppAsLoginItem:(NSString *)appPath,把这句NSString * appPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];注视掉就行了。

    -(void) addAppAsLoginItem{  
        NSString * appPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];  
        // This will retrieve the path for the application  
        // For example, /Applications/  
        CFURLRef url = (CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath];   
        // Create a reference to the shared file list.  
        // We are adding it to the current user only.  
        // If we want to add it all users, use  
        // kLSSharedFileListGlobalLoginItems instead of  
        LSSharedFileListRef loginItems = LSSharedFileListCreate(NULL,  
                                                                kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, NULL);  
        if (loginItems) {  
            //Insert an item to the list.  
            LSSharedFileListItemRef item = LSSharedFileListInsertItemURL(loginItems,  
                                                                         kLSSharedFileListItemLast, NULL, NULL,  
                                                                         url, NULL, NULL);  
            if (item){  
    -(void) deleteAppFromLoginItem{  
        NSString * appPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath];  
        // This will retrieve the path for the application  
        // For example, /Applications/  
        CFURLRef url = (CFURLRef)[NSURL fileURLWithPath:appPath];   
        // Create a reference to the shared file list.  
        LSSharedFileListRef loginItems = LSSharedFileListCreate(NULL,  
                                                                kLSSharedFileListSessionLoginItems, NULL);  
        if (loginItems) {  
            UInt32 seedValue;  
            //Retrieve the list of Login Items and cast them to  
            // a NSArray so that it will be easier to iterate.  
            NSArray  *loginItemsArray = (NSArray *)LSSharedFileListCopySnapshot(loginItems, &seedValue);  
            int i = 0;  
            for(i ; i< [loginItemsArray count]; i++){  
                LSSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = (LSSharedFileListItemRef)[loginItemsArray  
                //Resolve the item with URL  
                if (LSSharedFileListItemResolve(itemRef, 0, (CFURLRef*) &url, NULL) == noErr) {  
                    NSString * urlPath = [(NSURL*)url path];  
                    if ([urlPath compare:appPath] == NSOrderedSame){  
            [loginItemsArray release];  




    1. @implementation NSUserDefaults (Additions)  
    3. - (BOOL)addApplicationToLoginItems:(NSString *)path {  
    4.     NSDictionary *domain = [self persistentDomainForName:@"loginwindow"];  
    5.     NSArray *apps = [domain objectForKey:@"AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary"];  
    6.     NSArray *matchingApps = [apps filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"Path CONTAINS %@", path]];  
    7.     if ([matchingApps count] == 0) {  
    8.         NSMutableDictionary *newDomain = [domain mutableCopy];  
    9.         NSMutableArray *newApps = [[apps mutableCopy] autorelease];  
    10.         NSDictionary *app = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:path, @"Path", [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], @"Hide", nil];  
    11.         [newApps addObject:app];  
    12.         [newDomain setObject:newApps forKey:@"AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary"];  
    13.         [self setPersistentDomain:newDomain forName:@"loginwindow"];  
    14.         return [self synchronize];  
    15.     }  
    16.     return NO;  
    17. }  
    19. - (BOOL)removeApplicationFromLoginItems:(NSString *)name {  
    20.     NSDictionary *domain = [self persistentDomainForName:@"loginwindow"];  
    21.     NSArray *apps = [domain objectForKey:@"AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary"];  
    22.     NSArray *newApps = [apps filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"not Path CONTAINS %@", name]];  
    23.     if (![apps isEqualToArray:newApps]) {  
    24.         NSMutableDictionary *newDomain = [domain mutableCopy];  
    25.         [newDomain setObject:newApps forKey:@"AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary"];  
    26.         [self setPersistentDomain:newDomain forName:@"loginwindow"];  
    27.         return [self synchronize];  
    28.     }  
    29.     return NO;  
    30. }  
    32. @end 


