DIN-A4 doublesided year calendar

  1 % DIN-A4 doublesided year calendar
  2 % Author: Robert Krause
  3 % License : Creative Commons attribution license
  4 % Submitted to TeXample.net on 13 July 2012
  5 documentclass[landscape,a4paper, ngerman, 10pt]{scrartcl}
  6 usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  7 usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
  8 usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
  9 usepackage{tikz}             % Use the calendar.sty style
 11 %usepackage{translator}    % German Month and Day names
 12 usepackage{fancyhdr}        % header and footer
 13 usepackage{fix-cm}        % Large year in header
 15 usepackage[landscape, headheight = 2cm, margin=.5cm,
 16   top = 3.2cm, nofoot]{geometry}
 17 usetikzlibrary{calc}
 18 usetikzlibrary{calendar}
 19 %%%<
 20 usepackage{verbatim}
 21 usepackage[tightpage]{preview}
 22 PreviewEnvironment{tikzpicture}
 23 setlengthPreviewBorder{5pt}%
 24 %%%>
 25 egin{comment}
 26 :Title: A calender for doublesided DIN-A4
 27 Tags: Calendar library;Calendars
 28 :Author: Robert Krause
 30 An example how the calendar package can be used to provide
 31 an doublesided calendar for the whole year.
 32 end{comment}
 36 % User defined
 37 defyear{2015}
 38 % Names of Holidays are inserted by employing this macro
 39 def	ermin#1#2{
ode [anchor=north west, text width= 3.4cm] at
 41     ($(cal-#1.north west)+(3em, 0em)$) {	iny{#2}};
 42 }
 44 %Header
 46 setlength{headheight}{10ex}
 47 chead{
 48   fontsize{60}{70}selectfont	extbf{year}
 49   Large	extbf{Calendar}hfill
 50 }
 51 %Footer
 52 cfoot{footnotesize	exttt{http://www.cnblogs.com/wangshixi12/}}
 56 egin{document}
 57 pagestyle{fancy}
 58 egin{center}
 59 egin{tikzpicture}[every day/.style={anchor = north}]
 60 calendar[
 61   dates=year-01-01 to year-06-30,
 62   name=cal,
 63   day yshift = 3em,
 64   day code=
 65   {
ode[name=pgfcalendarsuggestedname,every day,shape=rectangle,
 67     minimum height= .53cm, text width = 4.4cm, draw = black]{	ikzdaytext};
 68     draw (-1.8cm, -.1ex) node[anchor = west]{footnotesize%
 69       pgfcalendarweekdayshortname{pgfcalendarcurrentweekday}};
 70   },
 71   execute before day scope=
 72   {
 73     ifdate{day of month=1}
 74     {
 75       % Shift right
 76       pgftransformxshift{4.8cm}
 77       % Print month name
 78       draw (0,0)node [shape=rectangle, minimum height= .53cm,
 79         text width = 4.4cm, fill = white, text= black, draw = black,  text centered]
 80         {	extbf{pgfcalendarmonthname{pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}}};
 81     }{}
 82     ifdate{workday}
 83     {
 84       % normal days are white
 85       	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}
 86       % Vacation (Germany, Baden-Wuerrtemberg) gray background
 87       ifdate{between=2012-12-24 and 2015-01-05}{%
 88         	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
 89       ifdate{between=2015-03-25 and 2015-04-05}{%
 90         	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
 91       ifdate{between=2015-05-21 and 2015-06-01}{%
 92         	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
 93       ifdate{between=2015-07-25 and 2015-09-07}{%
 94         	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
 95       ifdate{between=2015-10-28 and 2015-10-30}{%
 96         	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
 97       ifdate{between=2015-12-23 and 2014-01-04}{%
 98         	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
 99     }{}
100     % Saturdays and half holidays (Christma's and New year's eve)
101     ifdate{Saturday}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
102     ifdate{equals=12-24}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
103     ifdate{equals=12-31}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
104     % Sundays and full holidays
105     ifdate{Sunday}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
106     ifdate{equals=01-01}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
107     ifdate{equals=01-06}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
108     ifdate{equals=05-01}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
109     ifdate{equals=10-03}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
110     ifdate{equals=11-01}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
111     ifdate{equals=12-25}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
112     ifdate{equals=12-26}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
113     % Christian holidays
114     ifdate{equals=2015-03-29}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
115     ifdate{equals=2015-04-01}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
116     ifdate{equals=2015-05-09}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
117     ifdate{equals=2015-05-20}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
118     ifdate{equals=2015-05-30}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
119   },
120  execute at begin day scope=
121   {
122     % each day is shifted down according to the day of month
123     pgftransformyshift{-.53*pgfcalendarcurrentday cm}
124   }
125 ];
126 end{tikzpicture}
127 % Repeat the whole thing for the second page
128 pagebreak
129 egin{tikzpicture}[every day/.style={anchor = north}]
130 calendar[dates=year-07-01 to year-12-31,
131   name=cal,
132   day yshift = 3em,
133   day code=
134   {
ode[name=pgfcalendarsuggestedname,every day,shape=rectangle,
136       minimum height= .53cm, text width = 4.4cm, draw = black]{	ikzdaytext};
137     draw (-1.8cm, -.1ex) node[anchor = west]
138     {
139       footnotesizepgfcalendarweekdayshortname{pgfcalendarcurrentweekday}
140     };
141   },
142   execute before day scope=
143   {
144     ifdate{day of month=1} {
145     % Shift right
146     pgftransformxshift{4.8cm}
147     % Print month name
148     draw (0,0)node [shape=rectangle, minimum height= .53cm,
149       text width = 4.4cm, fill = white, text= black, draw = black, text centered]
150     {
151       	extbf{pgfcalendarmonthname{pgfcalendarcurrentmonth}}
152     };
153   }{}
154   ifdate{workday}
155   {
156     	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}
157     % Vacation (Germany Baden-Wuerrtemberg)
158     ifdate{between=2012-12-24 and 2015-01-05}{%
159       	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
160     ifdate{between=2015-03-25 and 2015-04-05}{%
161       	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
162     ifdate{between=2015-05-21 and 2015-06-01}{%
163       	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
164     ifdate{between=2015-07-25 and 2015-09-07}{%
165       	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
166     ifdate{between=2015-10-28 and 2015-10-30}{%
167       	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
168     ifdate{between=2015-12-23 and 2014-01-04}{%
169       	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
170   }{}
171   % Sundays and full holidays
172   ifdate{Sunday}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
173   ifdate{equals=01-01}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
174   ifdate{equals=01-06}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
175   ifdate{equals=05-01}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
176   ifdate{equals=10-03}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
177   ifdate{equals=11-01}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
178   ifdate{equals=12-25}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
179   ifdate{equals=12-26}{	ikzset{every day/.style={fill=white}}}{}
180   },
181   execute at begin day scope=
182   {
183    % Each day is shifted down according to the day of month
184     pgftransformyshift{-.53*pgfcalendarcurrentday cm}
185   }
186 ];
188 end{tikzpicture}
189 end{center}
190 end{document}
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