Android 电量优化

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电量优化一直是Android 开发中的头等问题。本篇将分析一下Android M 以上电量优化措施电量优化相关的部分知识点。



1.Doze 模式
3.Doze 模式下的限制措施
4.Doze 模式概要
5.Doze 模式涉及的类如下:
6.Doze 模式状态
7.Doze 白名单
8.Doze 模式测试方法
9.开启Doze dubug 调试开关

1.Doze 模式

当设备处于非充电、灭屏状态下静止一段时间,设备将进入睡眠状态,进入Doze模式,延长电池使用时间。Doze 模式下系统会定期恢复正常操作,异步执行app的一些同步数据等操作。比如很长时间不使用,系统会允许设备一天访问一次网络等。当设备处于充电状态下,系统将进入标准模式,app执行操作将不被限制。


在用户没有使用app的情况下,系统会使app处于idle 状态,
在空闲状态下,系统将会禁止app 网络访问以及数据同步

3.Doze 模式下的限制措施

2.忽略Wake lock
3.忽略Alarms(setAlarmClock() 、AlarmManager.setAndAllowwhileIdle() 这两个方法除外)
4.忽略 WIFI 扫描

4.Doze 模式概要


5.Doze 模式涉及的类如下:


  * Keeps track of device idleness and drives low power mode based on that.
   public class DeviceIdleController extends SystemService
        implements AnyMotionDetector.DeviceIdleCallback {

6. Doze 模式状态

  • ACTIVE:手机设备处于激活活动状态
  • INACTIVE:屏幕关闭进入非活动状态
  • IDLE_PENDING:每隔30分钟让App进入等待空闲预备状态
  • IDLE:空闲状态

 Doze 模式状态

对应的 Doze 模式状态如下:

active---> inactive ---> idle_pending


  void handleMotionDetectedLocked(long timeout, String type) {
        // The device is not yet active, so we want to go back to the pending idle
        // state to wait again for no motion.  Note that we only monitor for motion
        // after moving out of the inactive state, so no need to worry about that.
        boolean becomeInactive = false;
        if (mState != STATE_ACTIVE) {
            scheduleReportActiveLocked(type, Process.myUid());
            mState = STATE_ACTIVE;
            mInactiveTimeout = timeout;
            mCurIdleBudget = 0;
            mMaintenanceStartTime = 0;
            EventLogTags.writeDeviceIdle(mState, type);
            becomeInactive = true;
        if (mLightState == LIGHT_STATE_OVERRIDE) {
            // We went out of light idle mode because we had started deep idle mode...  let's
            // now go back and reset things so we resume light idling if appropriate.
            mLightState = STATE_ACTIVE;
            EventLogTags.writeDeviceIdleLight(mLightState, type);
            becomeInactive = true;
        if (becomeInactive) {

idle_pending ————>sensing

    public void onAnyMotionResult(int result) {
        if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "onAnyMotionResult(" + result + ")");
        if (result != AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_UNKNOWN) {
            synchronized (this) {
        if (result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_MOVED) {
            if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "RESULT_MOVED received.");
            synchronized (this) {
                handleMotionDetectedLocked(mConstants.INACTIVE_TIMEOUT, "sense_motion");
        } else if (result == AnyMotionDetector.RESULT_STATIONARY) {
            if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "RESULT_STATIONARY received.");
            if (mState == STATE_SENSING) {
                // If we are currently sensing, it is time to move to locating.
                synchronized (this) {
                    mNotMoving = true;
            } else if (mState == STATE_LOCATING) {
                // If we are currently locating, note that we are not moving and step
                // if we have located the position.
                synchronized (this) {
                    mNotMoving = true;
                    if (mLocated) {

7.Doze 白名单

设置 --电池 --电量优化(menu菜单)
会设置查看app 电池优化使用情况

adb shell dumpsys deviceidle whitelist


     * Package names the system has white-listed to opt out of power save restrictions,
     * except for device idle mode.
    private final ArrayMap<String, Integer> mPowerSaveWhitelistAppsExceptIdle = new ArrayMap<>();

     * Package names the system has white-listed to opt out of power save restrictions for
     * all modes.
    private final ArrayMap<String, Integer> mPowerSaveWhitelistApps = new ArrayMap<>();

     * Package names the user has white-listed to opt out of power save restrictions.
    private final ArrayMap<String, Integer> mPowerSaveWhitelistUserApps = new ArrayMap<>();

     * App IDs of built-in system apps that have been white-listed except for idle modes.
    private final SparseBooleanArray mPowerSaveWhitelistSystemAppIdsExceptIdle
            = new SparseBooleanArray();

     * App IDs of built-in system apps that have been white-listed.
    private final SparseBooleanArray mPowerSaveWhitelistSystemAppIds = new SparseBooleanArray();

     * App IDs that have been white-listed to opt out of power save restrictions, except
     * for device idle modes.
    private final SparseBooleanArray mPowerSaveWhitelistExceptIdleAppIds = new SparseBooleanArray();

     * Current app IDs that are in the complete power save white list, but shouldn't be
     * excluded from idle modes.  This array can be shared with others because it will not be
     * modified once set.
    private int[] mPowerSaveWhitelistExceptIdleAppIdArray = new int[0];

     * App IDs that have been white-listed to opt out of power save restrictions.
    private final SparseBooleanArray mPowerSaveWhitelistAllAppIds = new SparseBooleanArray();

     * Current app IDs that are in the complete power save white list.  This array can
     * be shared with others because it will not be modified once set.
    private int[] mPowerSaveWhitelistAllAppIdArray = new int[0];

     * App IDs that have been white-listed by the user to opt out of power save restrictions.
    private final SparseBooleanArray mPowerSaveWhitelistUserAppIds = new SparseBooleanArray();

     * Current app IDs that are in the user power save white list.  This array can
     * be shared with others because it will not be modified once set.
    private int[] mPowerSaveWhitelistUserAppIdArray = new int[0];

8. Doze 模式测试方法

adb shell dumpsys deviceidle enable
// or MTK addadb shell setprop persist.config.AutoPowerModes 1
adb shell dumpsys battery unplug

Active ---idle_pending---sensing--location---idle --idle_mantenance

adb shell dumpsys deviceidle step
4.Dump Doze 状态分析

Doze 模式下的信息,包括电池电量优化白名单等
adb shell dumpsys deviceidle

9. 开启Doze dubug 调试开关

默认false 关闭,设置为true 开启
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;


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