node js 操作redis promise


redis = require('redis')
var client = redis.createClient('6379', '');

client.on('connect', function() {


 * 1、字符串数据类型
var res = client.set('name', 'abczhijia', (err, data) => {
    console.log('err: ', err, ' data: ', data);
}); // err:  null  data:  OK,res的值是true
client.get('name',  (err, data) => {
    console.log('err: ', err, ' data: ', data);
}); // err:  null  data:  abczhijia
const cb = (err, data) => {
    console.log('err: ', err, ' data: ', data, ' data type: ', typeof data);
client.set('age', 20, cb); //err:  null  data:  OK  data type:  string
client.get('age', cb); //err:  null  data:  20  data type:  string
 * 2、列表数据类型
client.rpush('friends', 'mike', 'jhon', cb); //err:  null  data:  2  data type:  number
client.lrange('friends', 0, -1, cb); //err:  null  data:  [ 'mike', 'jhon' ]  data type:  object
client.lpush('friends', 'sam', 'bob', cb); //err:  null  data:  4  data type:  number
client.lrange('friends', 0, -1, cb); // err:  null  data:  [ 'bob', 'sam', 'mike', 'jhon' ]  data type:  object
client.rpop('friends', cb); //err:  null  data:  jhon  data type:  string
client.lpop('friends', cb); //err:  null  data:  bob  data type:  string
client.lrange('friends', 0, -1, cb); // err:  null  data:  [ 'sam', 'mike' ]  data type:  object
client.lindex('friends', 0, cb); //err:  null  data:  sam  data type:  string
client.rpush('friends', 'tom', 'bryant', cb)// err:  null  data:  4  data type:  number
client.ltrim('friends', 1, 2, cb); //err:  null  data:  OK  data type:  string
client.lrange('friends', 0, -1, cb); //err:  null  data:  [ 'mike', 'tom' ]  data type:  object
 * 3、集合数据类型
client.sadd('ids', 1, 2, cb);  //err:  null  data:  2  data type:  number
client.smembers('ids', cb); //err:  null  data:  [ '1', '2' ]  data type:  object
client.srem('ids', 2, cb); // err:  null  data:  1  data type:  number
client.smembers('ids', cb); //err:  null  data:  [ '1' ]  data type:  object
client.scard('ids', cb); //err:  null  data:  1  data type:  number
client.sadd('ids', 3, 5, 8, 9); //
client.sismember('ids', 8, cb); // err:  null  data:  1  data type:  number
client.sismember('ids', 80, cb); //err:  null  data:  0  data type:  number
client.hmset('phone', 'price', 5888, 'name', 'iphonex', cb); //err:  null  data:  OK  data type:  string
client.hmget('phone', 'price', 'name', cb); //err:  null  data:  [ '5888', 'iphonex' ]  data type:  object
client.hlen('phone', cb); //err:  null  data:  2  data type:  number
client.hdel('phone', 'price', cb); //err:  null  data:  1  data type:  number
client.hmget('phone', 'price', cb); //err:  null  data:  [ null ]  data type:  object,原来只留下了null
client.hmset('phone', 'vendor', 'apple', 'madein', 'china', cb);
client.hgetall('phone', cb); //err:  null  data:  { name: 'iphonex', vendor: 'apple', madein: 'china' }  data type:  object
client.hkeys('phone', cb); //err:  null  data:  [ 'name', 'vendor', 'madein' ]  data type:  object
client.hvals('phone', cb); //err:  null  data:  [ 'iphonex', 'apple', 'china' ]  data type:  object
client.hexists('phone', 'name', cb); //err:  null  data:  1  data type:  number
client.hexists('phone', 'price', cb); //err:  null  data:  0  data type:  number

Native Promises

If you are using node v8 or higher, you can promisify node_redis with util.promisify as in:

const {promisify} = require('util');
const getAsync = promisify(client.get).bind(client);

now getAsync is a promisified version of client.get:

// We expect a value 'foo': 'bar' to be present
// So instead of writing client.get('foo', cb); you have to write:
return getAsync('foo').then(function(res) {
    console.log(res); // => 'bar'

or using async await:

async myFunc() {
    const res = await getAsync('foo');

reference :
