Robots gain ground in ecommerce warehouses
For a vision of the warehouses of the future, take a look inside Ocado’s facility near Andover, in the
south of England. Hundreds of cuboid units with flashing lights and antennas scuttle across a vast
grid, accelerating and slowing down with a mechanical grace that prevents collision.
想了解未来仓库的样子吗?看一下 Ocado 在英格兰南部安多弗(Andover)附近的仓储中心就一
Although the scene resembles a secret industrial installation in a science fiction film, these robots are
carrying out the mundane task of selecting groceries.
The online supermarket’s state-of-the-art facility is at the forefront of the technological changes
taking place in the warehousing sector, which acts as the processing core of the transport and
logistics industry that ensures the smooth flow of goods throughout the economy.
As ecommerce booms and consumers expect faster and cheaper delivery, large storage and
distribution centres that once relied largely on human labour are being transformed by automation
and robotics. The trend has sparked fears that such jobs could eventually vanish.
“Automation has been around for a while, but the intelligence of the automation and its collaborative
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
nature are the two fundamental things that are changing,” says Tim Lawrence of PAConsulting.
博安咨询(PAConsulting)的蒂姆•劳伦斯(Tim Lawrence)指出:“自动化已经出现了一段时间,但
Advances in artificial intelligence, sensors, vision systems and big data, coupled with falling costs,
are leading companies around the globe to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in equipment to
make the movement of goods quicker, as well as more accurate and efficient.
New technologies range from fixed systems of interconnected conveyor belts and chutes that run for
miles and sort dozens of postal packages every second, through to articulated robotic arms capable of
packing goods such as confectionery or toiletries into boxes.
At one end of the spectrum is the UPS hub in Cologne. Automated sorters process 190,000 packages
per hour on a conveyor system covering 40km, with one item taking an average of 15 minutes to
move through the hub from entry to final loading point.
另外一个场景是联合包裹(UPS)位于德国科隆的物流中心。自动分拣机可以在一条长达 40 公里
“Automation helps us increase the package sorting capacity, reduce human error and alleviate
repetitive stress on employees,” says UPS.
Other companies have deployed mobile robots, controlled by central computer servers, for retrieving
orders and carrying heavy loads. One example is Amazon, which acquired the robotics start-up Kiva
for $775m in 2012.
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
(Amazon)于 2012 年以 7.75 亿美元收购机器人技术初创企业 Kiva 就是一例。
On the floors of the internet company’s huge “fulfilment” centres that dispatch goods to online
customers, squat orange machines on wheels whizz around carrying upright shelving units full of
goods. Following instructions sent over WiFi about their speed and next location, they weave
backwards, forwards and sideways to the caged perimeter where human workers pick items out
through gaps in the fence.
立式货架快速穿梭。按照通过 WiFi 发送的关于速度和下一个位置的指令,它们在一个像笼子
Today, Amazon has 100,000 of the machines globally, while in China similar machines are used in
the depots of companies such as Tmall, part of the online retail behemoth Alibaba.
目前,亚马逊在全球共拥有 10 万台这样的机器。在中国,类似的机器也在诸如在线零售巨擘
Developments in software have been a key enabler in robotics for logistics. At Ocado’s warehouse, a
centralised computer system that uses a planning algorithm communicates with the robots across a
4G network.
软件技术的发展是物流机器人能够投入运用的关键。在 Ocado 的仓库中,使用计划算法的中央
计算机系统通过 4G 网络与机器人进行通信。
They are sent to a specific square and grab a crate containing a category of food, which they deliver
to human “personal shoppers” around the edge. Collaboration among the robot swarm allows the
completion of a 50-item order within minutes, compared with around two hours in Ocado’s older
automated warehouses.
的真人“购物助理”那里。机器人之间的协作能够确保几分钟就可以处理一个包含 50 种货品的
订单。而在 Ocado 的上一代自动化仓库中,处理类似订单大约需要两小时。
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
Adopters of robots in logistics say the move can alleviate menial or potentially harmful tasks, such as
lifting heavy loads. DHL Supply Chain is installing “collaborative robots”, or cobots: machines that
work safely alongside humans, rather than behind a cage.
作,如举重物等。DHL Supply Chain 正在安装“协作型机器人”:机器人和人一起安全地工作,
Made by Rethink Robotics and equipped with an articulated arm and suction grabbers, “Sawyer” can
perform repetitive tasks requiring movements that could injure a human worker, such as twisting.
由 Rethink Robotics 公司制造并配备多关节手臂和吸附抓手的“Sawyer”机器人,可以执行所要
At DHL’s Liverpool warehouse, Sawyers help humans pack deodorant spray cans or chocolate
biscuits into boxes and have improved productivity by 15 to 20 per cent. The machines are
responsive to touch and can be shown tasks without the need for programming.
在 DHL 位于英国利物浦的仓库,Sawyer 机器人协助员工将除臭剂喷雾罐或巧克力饼干装入盒
子,使生产率提高了 15%到 20%。机器能够响应触碰,无需编程就可以向其下达任务。
Despite fears that increased use of robotics will lead to job losses, many logistics and ecommerce
companies insist they are in fact creating jobs as they open new warehouses to meet rising demand.
However, some experts are sceptical about such claims.
“There will definitely be less employment in the warehouse logistics sector through automation.
Everyone says there will just be different types of jobs — I’m not 100 per cent that will be the case,”
says Mr Lawrence. “There clearly will be growth in people who can programme robots and develop
artificial intelligence solutions, but [for] people in logistics doing manual tasks the impact will be
quite significant.”
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注 中国高翻团队,专注 MTI  考研三年多,考入学员三百多!
作岗位出现——对此,我不完全相信,” 劳伦斯说, “对于能够为机器人编写程序、并进行人
