Reference Collapsing Rules, Universal Reference and the implementation of std::forward() and std::move()

关于reference collapsing,可以看这个链接。(里面也讲了std::forward()和std::move()的实现)


需要注意的是,在做auto-type deduction和template-type deduction的时候,在会有reference-stripping 发生:(来自scott meyers)

Note that when doing reference collapsing, reference would be stripped first:

           Things get subtler when deducing the type for a variable that is itself a reference. In that case, the reference part of the type is ignored.  For example, given

         int x;


         int&& r1 = 10;                   // r1’s type is int&&

         int& r2 = x;                     // r2’s type is int&

           the type for both r1 and r2 is considered to be int in a call to the template f.  This reference-stripping behavior is independent of the rule that, during type deduction for universal references, lvalues are deduced to be of type T& and rvalues of type T, so given these calls,



          the deduced type for both r1 and r2 is int&. Why? First the reference parts of r1’s and r2’s types are stripped off (yielding int in both cases), then, because each is an lvalue, each is treated as int& during type deduction for the universal reference parameter in the call to f

( from:  "Nitty Gritty Detail" of )

顺便附上std::move()和std::forward()的"伪"代码实现(from Scott Meyers):

1 //std::move()
2 template <typename T>
3 typename remove_reference<T>::type &&
4 move(T&& param)
5 {
6     using ReturnType=typename remove_reference<T>::type &&;
7     return static_cast<ReturnType>(param);
8 }
9 //you can see that std::move() unconditionally cast anything to r-value
 1 //std::forward()
 2 template <typename T>
 3 T&& forward(T&& param)
 4 {
 5     if(is_lvalue_reference<T>::value){
 6         return param; 
 7     } else {
 8         return move(param);
 9     }
10 }
11 //you can see that std::forward() perform conditional cast
12 //note that if we pass lvalue to a T&&, then it would collapse to lvalue-reference

