egg-sequelize 定义关联关系


app/mode/xxx.js 中通过给模型(类)添加associate 属性,属性值为一个function(){},方法中执行sequelize提供的建立关联关系的方法,例如 belongsTo等

egg-sequelize 插件在loadDatabase的时候会执行associate(),建立模型之间的关系

module.exports = app => {
    const { BIGINT, STRING } = app.Sequelize;
    const User = app.model.define('users', {
        id: {
            type: BIGINT,
            primaryKey: true,
            autoIncrement: true,
       team_id: BIGINT,
       name: STRING,
    User.associate = function () {
        app.model.User.belongsTo(app.model.Team, { foreignKey: 'team_id' });
    return User;

sequelize V4版本修改了建立关系的方式

Removed classMethods and instanceMethods options from sequelize.define. Sequelize models are now ES6 classes. You can set class / instance level methods like this

const Model = sequelize.define('Model', {

// Class Method
Model.associate = function (models) {
    ...associate the models

// Instance Method
Model.prototype.someMethod = function () {..}

执行数据库操作,例如 findAll 的时候,如果 includemodel,执行之前会检测 model 之间的关联关系。如果没有提前定义,则报错 ${} is not associated to ${}!
