

I am ambitious, talented and intelligent, but I lack willpower, discipline, and organization. I am an impulsive procrastinator of the highest order. What can I do to improve?



然后我看了第一个答案(作者:Stephen Guise),开头就是“Be careful about advice—which includes the currently-top-rated answer…”,我的反应是排名第一果然有看点,开头就表示自己的看法与众不同。当我看到“You need new habits.” 的时候我感到还有点靠谱吧,毕竟”习惯决定性格,性格改变命运“。

接下来是作者对“心灵鸡汤”疗法的观点和批判:“And because motivation is based on how you feel about an activity in any given moment, it's unreliable.”

“The "get motivated" strategy is all about trying to get into that motivated mindset, where taking action is easy, but it incorrectly assumes that when you're unmotivated, that you'll even want to "get motivated.”


然后作者提出了自己的观点,如何锻炼意志力并且把用实际行动事情做了,答案就是“doing things even when you don't feel like doing them (i.e. are not motivated)”,即使不喜欢或者讨厌一件事时仍然去做,原因是“Because your subconscious is used to doing things a certain way, anytime you intentionally veer off that path, you lose willpower energy.”——当我们有意避开一件事时,意志力就会削弱。

“Studies have found that willpower is limited, and generally speaking, typical goals will burn you out and put you on the couch to watch TV (or waste time in however you're accustomed to doing it). It's too much change.” 每个人的意志力是有限的,要实现的目标超过意志力的极限时,一个人就会变得很缺乏意志力,缺乏自律。

最后,作者给出了答案:"Mini Habits" doing one push-up a day,保持一个迷你习惯,将一个目标分解成迷你习惯,然后保持这个迷你习惯做下去。“It doesn't require motivation to do one push-up, it requires a TINY amount of willpower.” 我们不需要很强烈的动机,不需要一口吃下胖子,只需要一点一滴的坚持,每天只做一点一滴,让习惯的力量去作出改变。“Consistency matters more than quantity” “because consistency can permanently change your brain.“

“If you can do it on your worst day, what can stop you? Nothing!”


