第 38 章 OCR

38.1. Tesseract


$ apt-cache search Tesseract
ocrodjvu - tool to perform OCR on DjVu documents
slimrat - GUI application for automated downloading from file hosters
slimrat-nox - CLI application for automated downloading from file hosters
tesseract-ocr - Command line OCR tool
tesseract-ocr-deu - tesseract-ocr language files for German text
tesseract-ocr-deu-f - tesseract-ocr language files for the German Fraktur script
tesseract-ocr-dev - Development files for the tesseract command line OCR tool
tesseract-ocr-eng - tesseract-ocr language files for English text
tesseract-ocr-fra - tesseract-ocr language files for French text
tesseract-ocr-ita - tesseract-ocr language files for Italian text
tesseract-ocr-nld - tesseract-ocr language files for Dutch text
tesseract-ocr-por - tesseract-ocr language files for Brasilian Portuguese text
tesseract-ocr-spa - tesseract-ocr language files for Spanish text
tesseract-ocr-vie - tesseract-ocr language files for Vietnamese text
$ sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr
$ convert test.jpg test.tif
$ tesseract test.tif test
$ cat test.txt

原文出处:Netkiller 系列 手札
