【转】cuckoo hash

【转】cuck hash https://coolshell.cn/articles/17225.html

(感谢网友 @我的上铺叫路遥 投稿)



时下一个非常流行的哈希索引结构就是bloom filter,它类似于bitmap这样的hashset,所以空间利用率很高。其独特的地方在于它使用多个哈希函数来避免哈希碰撞,如图所示(来源wikipedia),bit数组初始化为全0,插入x时,x被3个哈希函数分别映射到3个不同的bit位上并置1,查询x时,只有被这3个函数映射到的bit位全部是1才能说明x可能存在,但凡至少出现一个0表示x肯定不存在。


但是,bloom filter的这种位图模式带来两个问题:一个是误报(false positives),在查询时能提供“一定不存在”,但只能提供“可能存在”,因为存在其它元素被映射到部分相同bit位上,导致该位置1,那么一个不存在的元素可能会被误报成存在;另一个是漏报(false nagatives),同样道理,如果删除了某个元素,导致该映射bit位被置0,那么本来存在的元素会被漏报成不存在。由于后者问题严重得多,所以bloom filter必须确保“definitely no”从而容忍“probably yes”,不允许元素的删除。

关于元素删除的问题,一个改良方案是对bloom filter引入计数,但这样一来,原来每个bit空间就要扩张成一个计数值,空间效率上又降低了。

Cuckoo Hashing

为了解决这一问题,本文引入了一种新的哈希算法——cuckoo filter,它既可以确保该元素存在的必然性,又可以在不违背此前提下删除任意元素,仅仅比bitmap牺牲了微量空间效率。先说明一下,这个算法的思想来源是一篇CMU论文,笔者按照其思路用C语言做了一个简单实现(Github),附上对一段文本数据进行导入导出的正确性测试。

接下来我会结合自己的示例代码讲解哈希算法的实现。我们先来看看cuckoo hashing有什么特点,它的哈希函数是成对的(具体的实现可以根据需求设计),每一个元素都是两个,分别映射到两个位置,一个是记录的位置,另一个是备用位置。这个备用位置是处理碰撞时用的,这就要说到cuckoo这个名词的典故了,中文名叫布谷鸟,这种鸟有一种即狡猾又贪婪的习性,它不肯自己筑巢,而是把蛋下到别的鸟巢里,而且它的幼鸟又会比别的鸟早出生,布谷幼鸟天生有一种残忍的动作,幼鸟会拼命把未出生的其它鸟蛋挤出窝巢,今后以便独享“养父母”的食物。借助生物学上这一典故,cuckoo hashing处理碰撞的方法,就是把原来占用位置的这个元素踢走,不过被踢出去的元素还要比鸟蛋幸运,因为它还有一个备用位置可以安置,如果备用位置上还有人,再把它踢走,如此往复。直到被踢的次数达到一个上限,才确认哈希表已满,并执行rehash操作。如下图所示(图片来源):




cuckoo hashing

Cuckoo Filter设计与实现

cuckoo hashing的原理介绍完了,下面就来演示一下笔者自己实现的一个cuckoo filter应用,简单易用为主,不到500行C代码。应用场景是这样的:假设有一段文本数据,我们把它通过cuckoo filter导入到一个虚拟的flash中,再把它导出到另一个文本文件中。flash存储的单元页面是一个log_entry,里面包含了一对key/value,value就是文本数据,key就是这段大小的数据的SHA1值(照理说SHA1是可以通过数据源生成,没必要存储到flash,但这里主要为了测试而故意设计的,万一key和value之间没有推导关系呢)。

  1. #define SECTOR_SIZE (1 << 10)
  2. #define DAT_LEN (SECTOR_SIZE - 20) / minus sha1 size /
  3. / The log entries store key-value pairs on flash and the
  4. * size of each entry is assumed just one sector fit.
  5. */
  6. struct log_entry {
  7. uint8_t sha1[20];
  8. uint8_t data[DAT_LEN];
  9. };
#define SECTOR_SIZE    (1 << 10)

define DAT_LEN (SECTOR_SIZE - 20) /* minus sha1 size */

/* The log entries store key-value pairs on flash and the

  • size of each entry is assumed just one sector fit.
    struct log_entry {
    uint8_t sha1[20];
    uint8_t data[DAT_LEN];



  2. / The in-memory hash bucket cache is to filter keys (which is assumed SHA1) via
  3. * cuckoo hashing function and map keys to log entries stored on flash.
  4. /
  5. struct hash_slot_cache {
  6. uint32_t tag : 30; / summary of key /
  7. uint32_t status : 2; / FSM /
  8. uint32_t offset; / offset on flash memory */
  9. };

/* The in-memory hash bucket cache is to filter keys (which is assumed SHA1) via

  • cuckoo hashing function and map keys to log entries stored on flash.
    struct hash_slot_cache {
    uint32_t tag : 30; /
    summary of key /
    uint32_t status : 2; /
    FSM /
    uint32_t offset; /
    offset on flash memory */



  1. #define ASSOC_WAY (4) /* 4-way association */
  2. struct hash_table {
  3. struct hash_slot_cache **buckets;
  4. struct hash_slot_cache slots;
  5. uint32_t slot_num;
  6. uint32_t bucket_num;
  7. };
  8. int cuckoo_filter_init(size_t size)
  9. {
  10. ...
  11. / Allocate hash slots /
  12. hash_table.slot_num = nvrom_size / SECTOR_SIZE;
  13. / Make rehashing happen /
  14. hash_table.slot_num /= 4;
  15. hash_table.slots = calloc(hash_table.slot_num, sizeof(struct hash_slot_cache));
  16. if (hash_table.slots == NULL) {
  17. return -1;
  18. }
  19. / Allocate hash buckets associated with slots */
  20. hash_table.bucket_num = hash_table.slot_num / ASSOC_WAY;
  21. hash_table.buckets = malloc(hash_table.bucket_num * sizeof(struct hash_slot_cache ));
  22. if (hash_table.buckets == NULL) {
  23. free(hash_table.slots);
  24. return -1;
  25. }
  26. for (i = 0; i < hash_table.bucket_num; i++) {
  27. hash_table.buckets[i] = &hash_table.slots[i * ASSOC_WAY];
  28. }
  29. }
#define ASSOC_WAY  (4)  / 4-way association */

struct hash_table {
struct hash_slot_cache **buckets;
struct hash_slot_cache *slots;
uint32_t slot_num;
uint32_t bucket_num;

int cuckoo_filter_init(size_t size)
/* Allocate hash slots /
hash_table.slot_num = nvrom_size / SECTOR_SIZE;
Make rehashing happen */
hash_table.slot_num /= 4;
hash_table.slots = calloc(hash_table.slot_num, sizeof(struct hash_slot_cache));
if (hash_table.slots == NULL) {
return -1;

/* Allocate hash buckets associated with slots */
hash_table.bucket_num = hash_table.slot_num / ASSOC_WAY;
hash_table.buckets = malloc(hash_table.bucket_num * sizeof(struct hash_slot_cache *));
if (hash_table.buckets == NULL) {
    return -1;
for (i = 0; i &lt; hash_table.bucket_num; i++) {
    hash_table.buckets[i] = &amp;hash_table.slots[i * ASSOC_WAY];


下面是哈希函数的设计,这里有两个,前面提到既然key是20字节的SHA1值,我们就可以分别是对key的低32位和高32位进行位运算,只要bucket_num满足2的幂次方,我们就可以将key的一部分同bucket_num – 1相与,就可以定位到相应的bucket位置上,注意bucket_num随着rehash而增大,哈希函数简单的好处是求哈希值十分快。

  1. #define cuckoo_hash_lsb(key, count) (((size_t *)(key))[0] & (count - 1))
  2. #define cuckoo_hash_msb(key, count) (((size_t *)(key))[1] & (count - 1))
#define cuckoo_hash_lsb(key, count)  (((size_t *)(key))[0] & (count - 1))
#define cuckoo_hash_msb(key, count)  (((size_t *)(key))[1] & (count - 1))

终于要讲解cuckoo filter最重要的三个操作了——查询、插入还有删除。查询操作是简单的,我们对传进来的参数key进行两次哈希求值tag[0]和tag[1],并先用tag[0]定位到bucket的位置,从4路slot中再去对比tag[1]。只有比中了tag后,由于只是key的一部分,我们再去从flash中验证完整的key,并把数据在flash中的偏移值read_addr输出返回。相应的,如果bucket[tag[0]]的4路slot都没有比中,我们再去bucket[tag[1]]中比对(代码略),如果还比不中,可以肯定这个key不存在。这种设计的好处就是减少了不必要的flash读操作,每次比对的是内存中的tag而不需要完整的key。

  1. static int cuckoo_hash_get(struct hash_table *table, uint8_t *key, uint8_t **read_addr)
  2. {
  3. int i, j;
  4. uint8_t *addr;
  5. uint32_t tag[2], offset;
  6. struct hash_slot_cache slot;
  7. tag[0] = cuckoo_hash_lsb(key, table->bucket_num);
  8. tag[1] = cuckoo_hash_msb(key, table->bucket_num);
  9. / Filter the key and verify if it exists. */
  10. slot = table->buckets[tag[0]];
  11. for (i = 0; i bucket_num) == slot[i].tag) {
  12. if (slot[i].status == OCCUPIED) {
  13. offset = slot[i].offset;
  14. addr = key_verify(key, offset);
  15. if (addr != NULL) {
  16. if (read_addr != NULL) {
  17. *read_addr = addr;
  18. }
  19. break;
  20. }
  21. } else if (slot[i].status == DELETED) {
  22. return DELETED;
  23. }
  24. }
  25. ...
  26. }
static int cuckoo_hash_get(struct hash_table *table, uint8_t *key, uint8_t **read_addr)
int i, j;
uint8_t *addr;
uint32_t tag[2], offset;
struct hash_slot_cache *slot;

tag[0] = cuckoo_hash_lsb(key, table-&gt;bucket_num);
tag[1] = cuckoo_hash_msb(key, table-&gt;bucket_num);

/* Filter the key and verify if it exists. */
slot = table-&gt;buckets[tag[0]];
for (i = 0; i bucket_num) == slot[i].tag) {
    if (slot[i].status == OCCUPIED) {
        offset = slot[i].offset;
        addr = key_verify(key, offset);
        if (addr != NULL) {
            if (read_addr != NULL) {
                *read_addr = addr;
    } else if (slot[i].status == DELETED) {
        return DELETED;



  1. static void cuckoo_hash_delete(struct hash_table *table, uint8_t *key)
  2. {
  3. uint32_t i, j, tag[2];
  4. struct hash_slot_cache *slot;
  5. tag[0] = cuckoo_hash_lsb(key, table->bucket_num);
  6. tag[1] = cuckoo_hash_msb(key, table->bucket_num);
  7. slot = table->buckets[tag[0]];
  8. for (i = 0; i bucket_num) == slot[i].tag) {
  9. slot[i].status = DELETED;
  10. return;
  11. }
  12. ...
  13. }
static void cuckoo_hash_delete(struct hash_table *table, uint8_t *key)
uint32_t i, j, tag[2];
struct hash_slot_cache *slot;

tag[0] = cuckoo_hash_lsb(key, table-&gt;bucket_num);
tag[1] = cuckoo_hash_msb(key, table-&gt;bucket_num);

slot = table-&gt;buckets[tag[0]];
for (i = 0; i bucket_num) == slot[i].tag) {
    slot[i].status = DELETED;



  1. static int cuckoo_hash_collide(struct hash_table *table, uint32_t *tag, uint32_t *p_offset)
  2. {
  3. int i, j, k, alt_cnt;
  4. uint32_t old_tag[2], offset, old_offset;
  5. struct hash_slot_cache slot;
  6. / Kick out the old bucket and move it to the alternative bucket. */
  7. offset = *p_offset;
  8. slot = table->buckets[tag[0]];
  9. old_tag[0] = tag[0];
  10. old_tag[1] = slot[0].tag;
  11. old_offset = slot[0].offset;
  12. slot[0].tag = tag[1];
  13. slot[0].offset = offset;
  14. i = 0 ^ 1;
  15. k = 0;
  16. alt_cnt = 0;
  17. KICK_OUT:
  18. slot = table->buckets[old_tag[i]];
  19. for (j = 0; j < ASSOC_WAY; j++) {
  20. if (offset == INVALID_OFFSET && slot[j].status == DELETED) {
  21. slot[j].status = OCCUPIED;
  22. slot[j].tag = old_tag[i ^ 1];
  23. p_offset = offset = slot[j].offset;
  24. break;
  25. } else if (slot[j].status == AVAILIBLE) {
  26. slot[j].status = OCCUPIED;
  27. slot[j].tag = old_tag[i ^ 1];
  28. slot[j].offset = old_offset;
  29. break;
  30. }
  31. }
  32. if (j == ASSOC_WAY) {
  33. if (++alt_cnt > 512) {
  34. if (k == ASSOC_WAY - 1) {
  35. / Hash table is almost full and needs to be resized */
  36. return 1;
  37. } else {
  38. k++;
  39. }
  40. }
  41. uint32_t tmp_tag = slot[k].tag;
  42. uint32_t tmp_offset = slot[k].offset;
  43. slot[k].tag = old_tag[i ^ 1];
  44. slot[k].offset = old_offset;
  45. old_tag[i ^ 1] = tmp_tag;
  46. old_offset = tmp_offset;
  47. i ^= 1;
  48. goto KICK_OUT;
  49. }
  50. return 0;
  51. }
static int cuckoo_hash_collide(struct hash_table *table, uint32_t *tag, uint32_t *p_offset)
int i, j, k, alt_cnt;
uint32_t old_tag[2], offset, old_offset;
struct hash_slot_cache *slot;

/* Kick out the old bucket and move it to the alternative bucket. */
offset = *p_offset;
slot = table-&gt;buckets[tag[0]];
old_tag[0] = tag[0];
old_tag[1] = slot[0].tag;
old_offset = slot[0].offset;
slot[0].tag = tag[1];
slot[0].offset = offset;
i = 0 ^ 1;
k = 0;
alt_cnt = 0;

slot = table->buckets[old_tag[i]];
for (j = 0; j < ASSOC_WAY; j++) {
if (offset == INVALID_OFFSET && slot[j].status == DELETED) {
slot[j].status = OCCUPIED;
slot[j].tag = old_tag[i ^ 1];
*p_offset = offset = slot[j].offset;
} else if (slot[j].status == AVAILIBLE) {
slot[j].status = OCCUPIED;
slot[j].tag = old_tag[i ^ 1];
slot[j].offset = old_offset;

if (j == ASSOC_WAY) {
    if (++alt_cnt &gt; 512) {
        if (k == ASSOC_WAY - 1) {
            /* Hash table is almost full and needs to be resized */
            return 1;
        } else {
    uint32_t tmp_tag = slot[k].tag;
    uint32_t tmp_offset = slot[k].offset;
    slot[k].tag = old_tag[i ^ 1];
    slot[k].offset = old_offset;
    old_tag[i ^ 1] = tmp_tag;
    old_offset = tmp_offset;
    i ^= 1;
    goto KICK_OUT;

return 0;


rehash的逻辑也很简单,无非就是把哈希表中的buckets和slots重新realloc一下,空间扩展一倍,然后再从flash中的key重新插入到新的哈希表里去。这里有个陷阱要注意,千万不能有相同的key混进来!虽然cuckoo hashing不像开链法那样会退化成O(n),但由于每个元素有两个哈希值,而且每次计算的哈希值随着哈希表rehash的规模而不同,相同的key并不能立即检测到冲突,但当相同的key达到一定规模后,噩梦就开始了,由于rehash里面有插入操作,一旦在这里触发碰撞,又会触发rehash,这时就是一个rehash不断递归的过程,由于其中老的内存没释放,新的内存不断重新分配,整个程序就如同陷入DoS攻击一般瘫痪了。所以每次插入操作前一定要判断一下key是否已经存在过,并且对rehash里的插入使用碰撞断言防止此类情况发生。笔者在测试中不幸中了这样的彩蛋,调试了大半天才搞清楚原因,搞IT的同学们记住一定要防小人啊~

  1. static void cuckoo_rehash(struct hash_table *table)
  2. {
  3. ...
  4. uint8_t *read_addr = nvrom_base_addr;
  5. uint32_t entries = log_entries;
  6. while (entries--) {
  7. uint8_t key[20];
  8. uint32_t offset = read_addr - nvrom_base_addr;
  9. for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
  10. key[i] = flash_read(read_addr);
  11. read_addr++;
  12. }
  13. /* Duplicated keys in hash table which can cause eternal
  14. * hashing collision! Be careful of that!
  15. */
  16. assert(!cuckoo_hash_put(table, key, &offset));
  17. if (cuckoo_hash_get(&old_table, key, NULL) == DELETED) {
  18. cuckoo_hash_delete(table, key);
  19. }
  20. read_addr += DAT_LEN;
  21. }
  22. ...
  23. }
static void cuckoo_rehash(struct hash_table *table)
    uint8_t *read_addr = nvrom_base_addr;
    uint32_t entries = log_entries;
    while (entries--) {
        uint8_t key[20];
        uint32_t offset = read_addr - nvrom_base_addr;
        for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
            key[i] = flash_read(read_addr);
        /* Duplicated keys in hash table which can cause eternal
         * hashing collision! Be careful of that!
        assert(!cuckoo_hash_put(table, key, &offset));
        if (cuckoo_hash_get(&old_table, key, NULL) == DELETED) {
            cuckoo_hash_delete(table, key);
        read_addr += DAT_LEN;

到此为止代码的逻辑还是比较简单,使用效果如何呢?我来帮你找个大文件unqlite.c测试一下,这是一个嵌入式数据库源代码,共59959行代码。作为需要导入的文件,编译我们的cuckoo filter,然后执行:

./cuckoo_db unqlite.c output.c

你会发现生成output.c正好也是59959行代码,一分不差,probably yes终于变成了definitely yes。同时也可以看到,cuckoo filter真的很快!如果你想看hashing的整个过程,可以参照README里把调试宏打开。最后,欢迎给这个小玩意提交PR!


Cuckoo Filter的论文PPT:Cuckoo Filter: Practically Better Than Bloom
