[SAP HANA] [sql] Starting SAP HANA ScriptServer 启动HANA script 服务

启动HANA script 服务

run with SYSTEM DB user

You must have at least one SAP HANA ScriptServer instance running on the database where the function library is installed.

-- run the alter statement as SYSTEM    
connect SYSTEM password manager;    
-- enable script server    
alter system alter configuration ('daemon.ini', 'SYSTEM') set ('scriptserver', 'instances') = '1' with reconfigure;

Starting the SAP HANA ScriptServer (Multitenancy)

-- This is the only operational mode starting with SAP HANA 2.0 SPS01.
alter DATABASE <DBID> ADD 'scriptserver';
--where <DBID> is the tenant server ID on which the ScriptServer is started.
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