Scalaz(30)- Free :Natural Tranformation ~>


1 def toList[T](opt: Option[T]): List[T] = opt.toList
2                                                   //> toList: [T](opt: Option[T])List[T]
3 val hOptFun = toList _                            //> hOptFun  : Option[Nothing] => List[Nothing] = <function1>

看看hOptFun的类型:Option[Nothing] => List[Nothing], 即我们无法对T的类型进行限定。如果我们使用hOptFun:

1 hOptFun(None)                                     //> res0: List[Nothing] = List()
2 //hOptFun(Some(10)) //type mismatch;  found   : Int(10)  required: Nothing
3 //hOptFun(Some("hi")) //type mismatch;  found   : String("hi")   required: Nothing


/** A universally quantified function, usually written as `F ~> G`,
  * for symmetry with `A => B`.
  * Can be used to encode first-class functor transformations in the
  * same way functions encode first-class concrete value morphisms;
  * for example, `sequence` from [[scalaz.Traverse]] and `cosequence`
  * from [[scalaz.Distributive]] give rise to `([a]T[A[a]]) ~>
  * ([a]A[T[a]])`, for varying `A` and `T` constraints.
trait NaturalTransformation[-F[_], +G[_]] {
  self =>
  def apply[A](fa: F[A]): G[A]


1 val optionToListTrans = new (Option ~> List) {
2   def apply[T](opt: Option[T]): List[T] = opt.toList
3 }                                                 //> optionToListTrans  : scalaz.~>[Option,List] = Exercises.naturaltransform$$an
4                                                   //| onfun$main$1$$anon$1@2d554825
5 optionToListTrans(None)                           //> res1: List[Nothing] = List()
6 optionToListTrans(Some("hi"))                     //> res2: List[String] = List(hi)
7 optionToListTrans.apply(3.some)                   //> res3: List[Int] = List(3)




