QTP的第三方调试工具 PowerDebug

最近Tarun Lalwani发布了为QTP定制的第三方调试辅助工具 - PowerDebug 的Beta试用版:



PowerDebug is a add-on debugger for QuickTest Professional. PowerDebug takes over the QTP debugging IDE and provides a new enhanced with many new features that QTP IDE doesn't have. Below is the list of features
·     Debug code loaded using statements ExecuteFile, Execute and ExecuteGlobal
·     Enhanced error messages with complete stack trace of the error
·     Pause execution using Assertion points
·     Enhanced command window with option to execute multiple line command
·     Enhanced output window with option to save the log to file
·     Implement Goto statements in code
·     Jump to any code statement during debugging
·     Accessing current scope information like FunctionName, Caller function and stack trace
·     Multi object existence check function to improve performance