GLSL Notes

GLSL Notes

API of shader:

  glCreateShader(), glShaderSource(), glCompileShader(), glGetShadrInfoLog(), glCreateProgram()

API of porgram:

  glCreateProgram(), glAttachShader(), glDetashShader(), glLinkProgarm(), glGetProgarmInfoLog(), glUseProgram()

Resource Release:

  glDeleteShader(), glDeleteProgram(), glIsProgram(), glIsShader(), glValidateProgram()


  attribute, varying, uniform

  glGetAttribLocation(), glBindAttribLocation(), glGetUniformLocation(), glVertexAttrib(), glVertexAtrribPointer()




  OpenGL ES 3.0 is new in iOS 7 and adds a number of new features, including:

  • Multiple render targets and transform feedback to enable deferred rendering and other graphics algorithms previously only available in desktop OpenGL
  • OpenGL Shading Language ES 3.0 and integer textures, buffers and operations to enable general-purpose GPU computing
  • New texture, buffer, and attribute formats for optimizing memory footprint and bandwidth

