



 1 import unittest
 2 from game import Game
 3 class GameTest(unittest.TestCase):
 4     def test_gameOver(self):
 5         self = Game('15','13')      
 6     def gameOver(a,b):
 7         if a>=10 and b>=10:
 8             if abs(a-b)==2:
 9                 return True
10         if a<10 or b<10:
11             if a==11 or b==11:
12                 return True
13         else:
14             return False
15             from random import random
16             def printIntro():
17                 print("兵乓球比赛结果预测")
18             def getInputs():
19                 a = eval(input("请输入选手A的能力值(0-1): "))
20                 b = eval(input("请输入选手B的能力值(0-1): "))
21                 x = eval(input("模拟比赛的场次: "))
22                 return a, b, x
24             def simNGames(x, probA, probB):
25                 winsA, winsB = 0, 0
26                 for i in range(x):
27                     scoreA, scoreB = simOneGame(probA, probB)
28                     print(scoreA,scoreB)
29                     if scoreA > scoreB:
30                         winsA += 1
31                     else:
32                         winsB += 1
33                 return winsA, winsB
34             def simOneGame(probA, probB):
35                 scoreA, scoreB = 0, 0
36                 serving = "A"
37                 while not gameOver(scoreA, scoreB):
38                     if serving == "A":
39                         if random() < probA:
40                             scoreA += 1
41                         else:
42                             serving="B"
43                     else:  
44                         if random() < probB:
45                             scoreB += 1
46                         else:
47                             serving="A"
49                 return scoreA, scoreB
50             def gameOver(a,b):
51                 if (a>=11 and abs(a-b)>=2) or (b>=11 and abs(a-b)>=2):
52                     return True
54             def printSummary(winsA, winsB):
55                 x = winsA + winsB
56                 print("竞技分析开始,共模拟{}场比赛".format(x))
57                 print("选手A获胜{}场比赛,占比{:0.1%}".format(winsA, winsA/x))
58                 print("选手B获胜{}场比赛,占比{:0.1%}".format(winsB, winsB/x))
59             def main():
60                 printIntro()
61                 probA, probB, x = getInputs()
62                 winsA, winsB = simNGames(x, probA, probB)
63                 printSummary(winsA, winsB)
64             main()
66 unittest.main()




1 import requests
2 for i in range(20):
3     r = requests.get("https://www.sogou.com")
4     print("网页返回状态:{}".format(r.status_code))
5 print("text内容为:{}".format(r.text))
6 print("
7 print("text内容长度为:{}".format(len(r.text)))
8 print("content内容长度为:{}".format(len(r.content)))








 1 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 2 import re
 3 soup=BeautifulSoup('''<!DOCTYPE html>
 4                    <html1>
 5                    <head>
 6                    <meta charset="utf-8">
 7                    <title>菜鸟教程(runoob.com)</title>
 8                    </head>
 9                    <body>
10                        <hl>我的第一标题</hl>
11                        <p id="first">我的第一个段落。</p>
12                    </body>
13                            <table border="1">
14                        <tr>
15                            <td>row 1, cell 1</td>
16                            <td>row 1, cell 2</td>
17                        </tr>
18                        <tr>
19                            <td>row 2, cell 1</td>
20                            <td>row 2, cell 2</td>
21                        <tr>
22                    </table>
23                    </html>''')
24 print("head标签:
25 print("body标签:
26 print("id为first的标签对象:
27 st=soup.text
28 pp = re.findall(u'[u1100-uFFFDh]+?',st)
29 print("html页面中的中文字符")
30 print(pp)




 1 import csv
 2 import os
 3 import requests
 4 from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
 5 allUniv = []
 6 def getHTMLText(url):
 7     try:
 8         r = requests.get(url, timeout=30)
 9         r.raise_for_status()
10         r.encoding ='utf-8'
11         return r.text
12     except:
13         return ""
14 def fillUnivList(soup):
15     data = soup.find_all('tr')
16     for tr in data:
17         ltd = tr.find_all('td')
18         if len(ltd)==0:
19             continue
20         singleUniv = []
21         for td in ltd:
22             singleUniv.append(td.string)
23         allUniv.append(singleUniv)
24 def writercsv(save_road,num,title):
25     if os.path.isfile(save_road):
26         with open(save_road,'a',newline='')as f:
27             csv_write=csv.writer(f,dialect='excel')
28             for i in range(num):
29                 u=allUniv[i]
30                 csv_write.writerow(u)
31     else:
32         with open(save_road,'w',newline='')as f:
33             csv_write=csv.writer(f,dialect='excel')
34             csv_write.writerow(title)
35             for i in range(num):
36                 u=allUniv[i]
37                 csv_write.writerow(u)
38 title=["排名","学校名称","省市","总分","生源质量","培养结果","科研规模",
39        "科研质量","顶尖成果","顶尖人才","科技服务","产学研究合作","成果转化","学生国际化"]
40 save_road="E:\排名.csv"
41 def main():
42     url = 'http://www.zuihaodaxue.com/zuihaodaxuepaiming2016.html'
43     html = getHTMLText(url)
44     soup = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser")
45     fillUnivList(soup)
46     writercsv(save_road,30,title)
47 main()

