
Scrapy笔记: 一 安装:

  1. pip3 install wheel

    1. pip3 install lxml

      1. pip3 install pyopenssl

      2. pip3 install -i https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/ pypiwin32

      3. 下载文件(twisted): https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#twisted pip3 install 文件路径Twisted-19.2.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl 6.pip3 install scrapy 7.scrapy 测试安装是否成功 Scrapy 1.6.0 - no active project ...

二 scrapy命令 全局(所有路径下都可以使用): bench Run quick benchmark test fetch Fetch a URL using the Scrapy downloader

      # 会把爬虫程序创建在当前目录下
    genspider     Generate new spider using pre-defined templates

    # 可以在当前目录下启动爬虫程序
    runspider     Run a self-contained spider (without creating a project)

    runspider 爬虫程序的绝对路径

    settings     Get settings values
    shell         Interactive scraping console

    # 创建scrapy项目
    startproject Create new project
    version       Print Scrapy version

    bench         Run quick benchmark test
    # 监测语法
    check         Check spider contracts
    # 根据爬虫程序的name 启动爬虫程序
    crawl         Run a spider

    # !!!!!!!重点使用它!!!!!!!
    scrapy crawl name

    edit         Edit spider
    fetch         Fetch a URL using the Scrapy downloader
    genspider     Generate new spider using pre-defined templates
    # 查看所有的爬虫程序
    list         List available spiders

    parse         Parse URL (using its spider) and print the results

    runspider     Run a self-contained spider (without creating a project)

    settings     Get settings values
    shell         Interactive scraping console
    startproject Create new project
    version       Print Scrapy version
    view         Open URL in browser, as seen by Scrapy


三 创建scrapy项目 Django: # 创建项目 django-admin startproject P1 cd P1

    # 创建实例
  python3 manage.py app01
  python3 manage.py bbs
  # 创建项目
  scrapy startproject spider_project
  cd spider_project

  # 创建爬虫程序
  scrapy genspider chouti chouti.com

  # 执行爬虫程序
  scrapy crawl chouti

  # 取消日志
  scrapy crawl --nolog chouti

  # 不遵循反爬协议
  from scrapy.cmdline import execute
  # execute(['scrapy', 'crawl', 'baidu'])
  execute("scrapy crawl --nolog chouti".split(' '))


  from scrapy.cmdline import execute
  # execute(['scrapy', 'crawl', 'baidu'])
  execute("scrapy crawl --nolog chouti".split(' '))



  class ChoutiSpider(scrapy.Spider):
      def parse(self, response):
      def parse_user_index(self, response):
  # 新闻items类
  class SpiderNewListItem(scrapy.Item):
      # define the fields for your item here like:
      # 新闻链接
      new_url = scrapy.Field()
      # 新闻文本
      new_text = scrapy.Field()
      # 点赞数
      nice_num = scrapy.Field()
      # 新闻ID
      new_id = scrapy.Field()
      # 评论数
      commit_num = scrapy.Field()
      # 新闻详情
      new_content = scrapy.Field()
      # 发表新闻用户的主页
      user_link = scrapy.Field()
    # 新闻items类
  class SpiderUserListItem(scrapy.Item):
      # define the fields for your item here like:
      # 新闻链接
      new_url = scrapy.Field()
      # 新闻文本
      new_text = scrapy.Field()
      # 点赞数
      nice_num = scrapy.Field()
      # 新闻ID
      new_id = scrapy.Field()
      # 评论数
      commit_num = scrapy.Field()
      # 新闻详情
      new_content = scrapy.Field()
      # 用户名
      user_name = scrapy.Field()


  class SpiderNewListPipeline(object):
      def __init__(self, ip, port, mongo_db):
          self.ip = ip
          self.port = port
          self.mongo_db = mongo_db
    # 必须配置才可以启动ITEM_PIPELINES
      'spider_project.pipelines.SpiderNewListPipeline': 300,
      'spider_project.pipelines.SpiderUserListPipeline': 301,

  # MongoDB配置信息
  IP = 'localhost'
  PORT = 27017
  DB = 'chouti'