
  1. Don’t Put Your Resume Ahead of the Requirements(不要把你的简历放在要求之前)
  2. Simplify Essential Complexity; Diminish Accidental Complexity (简化基本复杂性;降低意外复杂性)
  3. Chances Are, Your Biggest Problem Isn’t Technical (你最大的问题不是技术问题,而是机会)
  4. Communication Is King; Clarity and Leadership, Its Humble Servants (沟通为王,清晰性和领导力不过是谦卑的仆人)
  5. Application Architecture Determines Application Performance (软件架构决定了软件性能)
  6. Seek the Value in Requested Capabilities (寻求所需能力的价值)
  7. Stand Up! (站起来!)
  8. Everything Will Ultimately Fail (一切终将失败)
  9. You’re Negotiating More Often Than You Think (谈判的次数比你想象的要多)
  10. Quantify (定量、量化)
  11. One Line of Working Code Is Worth 500 of Specification (一行工作的代码胜于500个规范)
  12. There Is No One-Size-Fits-All Solution (没有万能的解决方案)
  13. It’s Never Too Early to Think About Performance (考虑性能永远不会太早)
  14. Architecting Is About Balancing (架构就是平衡/均衡)
  15. Commit-and-Run Is a Crime (肇事逃逸是犯罪)
  16. There Can Be More Than One (可以不止一个)
  17. Business Drives (业务驱动)
  18. Simplicity Before Generality, Use Before Reuse (泛化之前先考虑简单;复用之前先考虑当前的使用)
  19. Architects Must Be Hands On (架构师必须亲自动手)
  20. Continuously Integrate (持续继承)
  21. Avoid Scheduling Failures (避免调度失败)
  22. Architectural Tradeoffs (架构权衡)
  23. Database As a Fortress (数据库作为堡垒)
  24. Use Uncertainty As a Driver (不确定性驱动)
  25. Warning: Problems in Mirror May Be Larger Than They Appear (警告:镜像问题可能比它们出现的大)
  26. Reuse Is About People and Education, Not Just Architecture (复用是关于人和教育的,而不仅仅是架构)
  27. There Is No ‘I’ in Architecture (架构中没有“我”)
  28. Get the 1,000-Foot View (获得1,000英尺的视野/整体鸟瞰)
  29. Try Before Choosing (选择之前先尝试)
  30. Understand the Business Domain (了解业务领域)
  31. Programming Is an Act of Design (编程是一种设计行为)
  32. Give Developers Autonomy (给开发者自治的权力)
  33. Time Changes Everything (时间改变一切)
  34. “Software Architect” Has Only Lowercase a’s; Deal with It (软件架构师只有小写a;处理它)
  35. Scope Is the Enemy of Success (范围是成功的敌人)
  36. Value Stewardship Over Showmanship ()
  37. Software Architecture Has Ethical Consequences (软件架构具有道德后果)
  38. Skyscrapers Aren’t Scalable (摩天大楼不可扩展)
  39. Heterogeneity Wins (异质者赢)
  40. It’s All About Performance (全部皆关于性能)
  41. Engineer in the White Spaces (处在空白中的工程师)
  42. Talk the Talk ()
  43. Context Is King (上下文为王)
  44. Dwarves, Elves, Wizards, and Kings (矮人,精灵,巫师和国王)
  45. Learn from Architects of Buildings (向建筑师中学习)
  46. Fight Repetition (与重复作战)
  47. Welcome to the Real World (欢迎来到真实的世界)
  48. Don’t Control, but Observe (不要控制,但要注意观察)
  49. Janus the Architect (建筑师Janus)
  50. Architects’ Focus Is on the Boundaries and Interfaces (架构师关注的重点是边界和接口)
  51. Empower Developers (赋予开发人员权力)
  52. Record Your Rationale (记录你的理由)
  53. Challenge Assumptions, Especially Your Own (挑战假设,特别是你自己)
  54. Share Your Knowledge and Experiences (分享您的知识和经验)
  55. Pattern Pathology (模式病理学)
  56. Don’t Stretch the Architecture Metaphors (不要扩展架构隐喻)
  57. Focus on Application Support and Maintenance (专注于应用支持和维护)
  58. Prepare to Pick Two (准备选择两个)
  59. Prefer Principles, Axioms and Analogies to Opinion and Taste (首选原则、公理、类比意见和品味)
  60. Start with a Walking Skeleton (从一个可运行的框架开始)
  61. It Is All About The Data (一切皆和数据相关)
  62. Make Sure the Simple Stuff Is Simple (确保简单的东西简单)
  63. Before Anything, an Architect Is a Developer (架构师首先是一个开发者)
  64. The ROI Variable ()
  65. Your System Is Legacy; Design for It (你的系统是遗留下来的,为他进行设计)
  66. If There Is Only One Solution, Get a Second Opinion (如果只有一个解决方案,请获得第二个)
  67. Understand the Impact of Change (了解变化的影响)
  68. You Have to Understand Hardware, Too (你也必须了解硬件)
  69. Shortcuts Now Are Paid Back with Interest Later ()
  70. Perfect Is the Enemy of “Good Enough” (完美是“足够好”的敌人)
  71. Avoid “Good Ideas” (避免 “好主意”)
  72. Great Content Creates Great Systems (伟大的内容创造伟大的系统)
  73. The Business Versus the Angry Architect (业务 vs 愤怒的架构师)
  74. Stretch Key Dimensions to See What Breaks (伸展关键维度,看看有什么突破)
  75. If You Design It, You Should Be Able to Code It (如果你设计它,你就应该能够编码实现它)
  76. A Rose by Any Other Name Will End Up As a Cabbage (任何其他名字的玫瑰将最终成为卷心菜)
  77. Stable Problems Get High-Quality Solutions (稳定的问题获得高质量的解决方案)
  78. It Takes Diligence (需要勤奋)
  79. Take Responsibility for Your Decisions (为你的决定负责)
  80. Don’t Be Clever (不要聪明)
  81. Choose Your Weapons Carefully, Relinquish Them Reluctantly (仔细选择你的武器,不情愿地放弃它们)
  82. Your Customer Is Not Your Customer (你的客户不是你的客户)
  83. It Will Never Look Like That (它永远不会像那样)
  84. Choose Frameworks That Play Well with Others (选择能很好与他人合作的框架)
  85. Make a Strong Business Case (做一个强有力的商业案例)
  86. Control the Data, Not Just the Code (控制数据,而不仅仅是代码)
  87. Pay Down Your Technical Debt (偿还你的技术债务)
  88. Don’t Be a Problem Solver (不要成为问题解决者)
  89. Build Systems to Be Zuhanden ()
  90. Find and Retain Passionate Problem Solvers (找到并保留充满激情的问题解决者)
  91. Software Doesn’t Really Exist (软件不存在)
  92. Learn a New Language (学习一门新的语言)
  93. You Can’t Future-Proof Solutions (你不能提供面向未来的解决方案)
  94. The User Acceptance Problem (用户接受问题)
  95. The Importance of Consomm (缺点的重要性)
  96. For the End User, the Interface Is the System (对于终端用户,接口/界面就是系统)
  97. Great Software Is Not Built, It Is Grown (伟大的软件不是构建得到的,而是成长得到的)