解决 paramiko 安装问题 Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

安装 paramiko 出现:

error: Setup script exited with error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat


If it's off any use, the problem can be resolved by:

1. Getting the source of pycrypto ...
2. Building the pycrypto source with "python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32"
3. Installing the pycrypto module "python setup.py install"
4. Installing the paramiko package "python setup.py install"

This assumes that you have mingw32, which comes with packages such as pythonxy.

It would have been better (if possible?) to get the python build of paramiko to download and install pycrypto with the appropriate compiler flags. Anyway the above solution worked for me!

安装mingw 配置好gcc 命令行。(我是安装的 codeblocks附带mingw的)

编译 pycrypto 使用命令行 python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32

安装 pycrypto python setup.py install

安装 paramiko python setup.py install



