Baidu set to lose leading role in digital advertising _china daily

advertising: n,广告

Online search giant Baidu Inc is set to loset its top spot in the nation's booming digital adversiting market this year to its rival Alibaba group Holding Ltd,accroding to a report form London-based market research firm eMarketer;

Inc :n,企业,sport: n,地点,场所;rival:n,对手,竞争者,firm:n,公司,企业,商业,be set to :被设定为,被定为


Online Search giant Baidu Inc  is set to lost  its top spot  in the  nation's blooming digital adversiting market this year to its rival Alibaba group Hoding 

Ltd,according to a report form london_based market research firm eMarketer;

E-commerce heavyweight Alibaba has so far notched up a 28.9 percent share of China's digital ad market ,equating to $12.05 billion,said emarketer,which researches digital marketing ,media and commerce.

E-commerce:n,电子商务,HeavyWeight:adj,重量级的,notch up : 赢取,创下;equating: adj ,相当于,等于;


E-commerce heavyweight Alibaba has so far notched up 28.9% percent of China's ad martket

listings to generate income form advertisers ,would stay out in formm ,last year,Baidu earned 28 percent of China's digital advertising revenue,compared to Alibaba's 24.8 percent.
