vmware 网络不通

1. 首先可以重置 软件的网络编辑

2. 选择桥接模式

3. 确认windows网络连接具有vmnet1

4. linux 执行命令ifconfig 看是否有设备ens33

5. 没有,可以linux systemctrl restart network

:1.199/nmcli-connect/0]: agent registered
id="5b9c1cc6-0a72-48ca-b2d3-58255c62865c" name="ens33" result="fail" reason="No
No suitable device found for this connection (device lo not available because de

6. 重启失败,查看是networkmanager失败

ng up.
twork[5848]: Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
tworkManager[1289]: <info> [1619602302.8301] agent-manager: req[0x558af40efbd0,
tworkManager[1289]: <info> [1619602302.8325] audit: op="connection-activate" uu
twork[5848]: Bringing up interface ens33: Error: Connection activation failed:
twork[5848]: [FAILED]
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
twork[5848]: RTNETLINK answers: File exists
stemd[1]: network.service: control process exited, code=exited status=1
stemd[1]: Failed to start LSB: Bring up/down networking.

7. 可以先关闭networkmanager


[jet@localhost ~]$ chkconfig NetworkManager off
Note: Forwarding request to 'systemctl disable NetworkManager.service'.
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/NetworkManager.service.
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service.
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/network-online.target.wants/NetworkManager-wait-online.service.
[jet@localhost ~]$ chkconfig network on
You do not have enough privileges to perform this operation.
[jet@localhost ~]$ sudo chkconfig network on
[jet@localhost ~]$ sudo service NetworkManager stop
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
[jet@localhost ~]$ sudo service network start

   [jet@localhost ~]$ sudo service NetworkManager start

  ifconfig 命令就可以看到ens33 设备出现了
