在IIS中创建虚拟目录 (C#)



   const String constIISWebSiteRoot = "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/ROOT";

   DirectoryEntry root = new DirectoryEntry(constIISWebSiteRoot);
   DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(constIISWebSiteRoot + "/" + virtualDirName);

   DirectoryEntry tbEntry = root.Children.Add(virtualDirName, "IIsWebVirtualDir");

   //must be end with a '\'
   tbEntry.Properties["Path"][0] = virtualDirPath;
   tbEntry.Properties["AccessRead"][0] = true;
   tbEntry.Properties["ContentIndexed"][0] = false;
   tbEntry.Properties["DefaultDoc"][0] = "index.asp";
   tbEntry.Properties["AppFriendlyName"][0] = virtualDirName;
   tbEntry.Properties["AppIsolated"][0] = 2;
   tbEntry.Properties["AccessScript"][0] = true;   
   tbEntry.Properties["DontLog"][0] = true;   

re: 用.NET在IIS中创建虚拟目录 11/5/2004 4:55 PM

'i used to the windows script.

Set shell = Wscript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )

If Wscript.Arguments.Count < 2 Then
usage = "USAGE: theVbs virtual_directory_name directory_location_to_map"
WScript.Echo usage
End If

vDirName = Wscript.Arguments(0)
vDirPath = Wscript.Arguments(1)

' Get the name of the current directory
Set fso = WScript.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
vDirPath = fso.GetFolder( vDirPath ).Path

' Does this IIS application already exist in the metabase?
On Error Resume Next
Set objIIS = GetObject( "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/Root/" & vDirName )
If Err.Number = 0 Then
result = shell.Popup( "A virtual directory named " & vDirName & " already exists. " & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Would you like it re-mapped for this sample?", 0 ,"Remap Virtual Directory?", 4 + 32 )' 4 = YesNo & 32 = Question
If result = 6 Then ' 6 = Yes
DeleteVirtualDirectory vDirName
End If
End If

'Using IIS Administration object , turn on script/execute permissions and define the virtual directory as an 'in-process application.
Set objIIS = GetObject( "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/Root" )
Set vDirObj = objIIS.Create( "IISWebVirtualDir", vDirName )

vDirObj.Path = vDirPath
vDirObj.AuthNTLM = True
vDirObj.AccessRead = True
vDirObj.AccessWrite = True
vDirObj.AccessScript = True
vDirObj.AccessExecute = True
vDirObj.AuthAnonymous = True
'vDirObj.AnonymousUserName = owner
vDirObj.AnonymousPasswordSync = True
vDirObj.AppCreate True

If Err.Number > 0 Then
shell.Popup Err.Description, 0, "Error", 16 ' 16 = Stop
End If

' Get the name of the account for the anonymous user in IIS
owner = vDirObj.AnonymousUserName

' Change necessary folder permissions using CACLS.exe
aclCmd = "cmd /c echo y| CACLS "
aclCmd = aclCmd & """" & vDirPath & """"
aclCmd = aclCmd & " /E /G " & owner & ":C"
rtc = shell.Run( aclCmd , 0, True )

aclCmd = "cmd /c echo y| CACLS "
aclCmd = aclCmd & """" & vDirPath & """"
aclCmd = aclCmd & " /E /G ""VS Developers"":C"
rtc = shell.Run( aclCmd , 0, True )

If Err.Number > 0 Then
shell.Popup Err.Description, 0, "Error", 16 ' 16 = Stop
res = vDirName & " has been created at" & vbCrLf & vDirPath
shell.Popup res, 0, "All done", 64 ' 64 = Information
End If

Sub DeleteVirtualDirectory( NameOfVdir )

Set iis = GetObject("IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/Root")
iis.Delete "IISWebVirtualDir", vDirName

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

errorString = "Unable to delete exisiting virtual directory."

If Err.Description Is Nothing Then
errorString = errorString & "Error Code: " & Err.Number
errorString = errorString & "Description: " & Err.Description
End If

shell.Popup errorString, 0, "Error", 16 ' 16 = Stop
End If

End Sub
